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I woke up at four from habit I grabbed my arm getting dress a little bit easier with it. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and pulled on black long sleeve shirt and dark skinny jeans and brown combat boots and my black jacket. I then did minimal make up before heading into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee along with breakfast. Around seven a fully dresses and sleepy Harleen came into the little kitchen area.
"How long have you been up?" She asked with a yawn.
"Four." I said handing her a cup of coffee.
"Still got the habit." She stated taking the cup of joy and sipping it. We talked for a little bit before it was time to go. I hoped in the driver seat turning on the radio. Harley got in next to me setting her bag in side I started it up hooking my phone to the radio turning it up. I smirked when Highway to Hell by AC/DC began to play she rolled her eyes to the back of her head as I tore out making he tires smoke. After riding in the car listening to hard rock we arrived at the hell hole. The place wasn't fit at all it looked abandon because of the lack of cosmetic up keep the lights where always dark and dim its colder then the night time desert most the time and it smells of mildew and mold. Stopping the car we get out walk in Harley makes a stop to her office and I make sure my paper works been filled before going to get the joker.  As I walked down the halls I came to he cell where men stood in full body armor I shoved my way through them. They had managed to get he joker into a straight jacket.
"So your the joker?" I stated more then asked.
"The one and only doll face." He said walking forward till he was stopped by the men.
"I'll take him to his session." I said walking for ward grabbing a hold of his arm with my left holding it in a bruising grip.
"You insane?" One exclaimed.
"I served over seas and have the quickest drawl out of anyone in this building I can assure you I can handle a clown." I said as I began to bring him to the therapy room.
"What's your name doll?"
"It's Amelia Quinzel and stop calling me doll our you won't have a tongue to speak anymore." I said
"Do your friends call ya Amy?" He asked with glee filled tone.
"Only my friends." I said as we came to the door the guards outside the door opened it and we entered. I pushed him into the chair as I stood off to the side as I waited for Harley to enter the room. "Behave your self and I won't tie your jacket to the chair like I was told to."
"Ooh your being nice."
"Only this time and only because I'll be watching over the sessions your know to try and manipulate your therapist."
"Someone's done her research."
"Like no other joker." I stated taking my phone out to check the time I looked up when I heard the click of Harls heels enter the room. I grabbed ear buds placing one in my ear.
" names Harleen. Harleen Quinzel." She said looking at him as I began to play my music quietly. He smiled a wide open smile before speaking.
"What a pretty name! Do your friends call you Harley?" He asked with interest I eyes him not liking the way he leaned closer to her.
"Oh...I-I don't have a lot of friends." She said. It was true she was always shy in high school being a bit of a nerd she spent a lot of time studying for test or doing homework. She almost didn't go to prom but a good guy friend of mine asked her to prom. I was kicked out of school then so I didn't go to my senior prom.
"Well Harley... You got one now." He said this guy was one my nerves I mean I get she's trying to help but I think he's just a lost cause. Harley then began to question him mostly simple ones almost like a job interview one caught my full attention.
"Why...why do you kill people?" She asked reading off the clip board.
"For fun because no one has ever apologized for making me a monster so I gave them one." He said I saw Harley tense just a little bit I was slowly getting ready to restrain him but he just relaxed back into his chair.
"I think that's all for today you can take him back." Harls said gathering her thing I stood.
"One question Harley are you two sisters?" He asked gesturing with his head to me.
"Yes." We said in unison.
"Well you two are just perfect." He said it isn't make sense the again he is the Joker.  I walked to him hoisting him from his chair leading him out he began to laugh it was freaky. We came to his cell I lead him in taking the straight jacket off of him. I left him to his own crazy mind as I walked back to Harls's office I walked in as she was sitting down I took the empty chair after shutting the door behind me.
"So how do you think it went?" I asked her out of the blue.
"I think it went well. " she said
"That good." My radio buzzed and one of the guards talked.
"We could use some help down by cell 135 B."
"On my way." I said. I ran that way where a fairly big buff man was trying to start a fight between another man.  I walked in I head some wolf whistles as I came closer the buff man had his fist balled up.
"Come on you pussy fight like a damn man!" He snarled.
"I don't want no shit with you man crazy asshole." The man said.
"Alright break it up you two. " I stated the other man was about to walk off the buff man was fixin to swing so I grabbed his wrist before slamming his face into my knee.
"You fucking bitch you broke my nose."
"Be glad it want your face. Take him to another cell don't but him in with any one." I said walking off. The rest of my day was boring so at the end of the day me and Harls went home.

Amelia Quinzel Where stories live. Discover now