Nerf Wars (AKA The Hunger Games the Remake)

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"Whatever you want it to be"


"Wow I'm terrified. You're going down (C/Ln)" You shout back as everyone watches you two like its a tennis match and your friends look at you with an annoying knowing look. You blush and shoot them a look that would make Voldemort proud.

"0. Go"

With that you take off praying that this doesn't become a you've been framed moment and head for the trees lining the perimeter of the park. Hiding behind one, you risk a glance around the side of the tree and see truly chilling sight that makes your blood run cold.

(Just kidding. Sorry did you think that was some dramatic twist. I don't write horror sometimes my brain scares me, the stuff I can come up with.)

You see the boys have been allowed to start searching for you guys and realise that unfortunately they are coming your way. Where can I go?, you think. Suddenly you get a brainwave. On the main play structure there's a metal tube.

With ninja like grace you sneak over to the play frame (Okay that might be a slight exaggeration considering you nearly poked your eye out with a branch that you tripped over. But in your defence vicious  branches like that shouldn't be left lying around and you were a little preoccupied). Anyway you managed to make it up the climbing wall and climb into the tube.

You waited for about 5 minutes and began to take a liking to the place and had named it tubitha the tube (Don't judge there wasn't much to do in the tube because you didn't want to get distracted by your phone) . Until you heard a noise and went from praising the tube for keeping you concealed to cursing it for keeping you trapped. You froze hoping whatever was there would pass on. Muscles tensed and your fight or flight response heightening your senses you waited in anticipation, only to exhale in relief when you couldn't hear anything after a minute. Then,

"Well, well, well. What do we have here", a voice echoed from outside, smugness practically dripping from his voice. That voice. You'd recognise it anywhere but a questioning tone still laced in your voice.


Then his face comes into view on the other side of the tube and you awkwardly said,

"Fancy seeing you here"

He chuckles and says in a low deadly sweet voice, "I always keep my promises"

Once these words leave his lips (Which might you add are very lovely and are something you have definitely never thought about kissing you) he swings the Nerf gun round to point at your body with a grin that tells you that you've lost. However what he doesn't know is that you won't go down without a fight and you'll make it your mission to knock that off his face.

"Why do I get the feeling you're enjoying this way to much" you lightly tease him.

With no reservations whatsoever he says with a laugh,

"because I am"

Butterflies dance in your stomach and you can't help but smile at him.

"At least let me have a more dignified ending" ,you plead pointing to your sprawled figure on the floor of the tube.

He dramatically pretends to consider it for a while and then proclaims,

"Okay but only because I want to see you try to get out of the tube"

You stick your tongue out at him and say "Watch and learn young lotus flower"

You do your best to wriggle out, with the most elegance and grace you can muster which to be fair isn't much.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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