It's Her

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Hermione woke shortly after and looked around at the beautiful scene around her. She was in a gold dome and found a strange rainbow bridge, its colors glowing brightly and fading. Her widened eyes focused on the man standing in the middle of the dome, his eyes focused on the image of planets in front of him. His dark skin glowed beautifully against the golden armor and his golden eyes now focused on her. He wore no emotion on his face, which certainly freaked her out.

"You're not going to hurt me, are you?"

He chuckled joyfully, his deep laugh echoing around the large space, "of course not, my dear Chosen One."

"Chosen One?" she asked him.

"You are here to save us all."

She stared, her mouth slightly ajar, "I think you might have the wrong person."

"The diary had called to you," the man said, his golden eyes landing on the golden diary, which was still in her tiny hands. She looked down at the diary and attempted to open it, but she had only burnt her hand instead.

"The diary thinks it is not ready to have you looking through it. It will only open when it is ready and when you need it. Keep it in your sight at all times."

She nodded.

"Can't you tell me what your name is. I still don't know it yet."

"I am called Heimdall and I see everything an I guard the bifrost."

"What's a bifrost?"

"Its how you haven gotten here and how the gods get to different planets."

"They go to different planets? Gods?"

"There is someone coming here to get you and take you to the King and Queen of Asgard."

"An where exactly is Asgard?" she asked, getting up and dusting the imaginary dust particles.

"Somewhere far away from your own planet."

"Oh," she said, crestfallen.

"Are you not happy? I thought you would be happy to get away from your 'friends.' I though this would be a better place."

"I'm happy to be away from them but I didn't know how far I would be from home, even though I don't even have one anymore."

The two stood in silence and focused on the sudden sound of horse hooves hitting the floor at a steady pace. The young witch turned around at the opening to see a beautiful white horse, his golden saddle glowing from the setting sun. On the saddle was a man who looked as if he were about in his mid-twenties, his bright blonde hair glowing along with his saddle. He got off his horse and made his was toward Heimdall, bowing slowly once he made it in front of him. He looked about a few inches taller than her and his silver armor gleamed around the golden objects.

"Good evening, Heimdall."

"Good evening, Fandral. You seek my answer to if I am going to Frigga's ball. The answer is still no. It is my duty to-"

"Guard the bifrost, we know," the blonde man said, rolling his eyes. He turned around and walked back to his horse, paused, then turned toward the young girl. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the strange girl and her odd clothes. Slowly, he made his way to her.

"Hello foreigner," he said, bowing.

Nervously, Hermione replied, "Hi."

"Heimdall, who is this? You know you aren't to bring strangers to Asgard after what happened last time."

"Yes, I remember. I did not bring her here, she brought herself. This is Hermione of Midgard. It's the Chosen One, she has come home."

"This can't be her. We've waited-"

The Bookworm and the God of Mischief (A Loki and Hermione Story)Where stories live. Discover now