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Author's Note: There's going to be Locklyle at the end of this!!!!!
It was the next day in the late afternoon, and I was getting ready to see Carlos. Strangely, I hadn't seen Lockwood all day, and George was being all secretive. Boys, I figured.

I was wearing a black skirt, black leggings, a white shirt, and a black jacket. This was the nicest outfit I could find because seriously... have you seen my closet?

I walked out the door, closing it quietly behind me. I walked down the street toward the cafe, where I saw Carlos waiting.

"Hello," he said. "I just realized that I asked you on a date, but I already forgot your name. I'm sorry. I'm really bad with names."

I laughed. "My name's Lucy."

"Oh, in that case, shall we go in, Lucy?" Carlos said, offering me his arm.
"Yes, we shall." I took his arm.

We walked into the cafe, chose a seat, and ordered some coffee. After that, we started making small talk.

"Wait, Carlos, if you didn't know my name, then why on Earth would you ask me out?" I asked.

"Well, I was in this cafe, and I saw you come in. I thought you were the most naturally beautiful girl I had ever seen. You and your friends chose a seat right next to me. I could hear your conversation, and you weren't just beautiful, you were funny and sarcastic. It seemed like you were perfect for me, so I asked you out."

I frowned. "You were eavesdropping?
"Uhm... maybe?"
I sighed. "Try not to eavesdrop next time."
"Oh, so there's going to be a next time?" Carlos asked. He wiggled his eyebrows.
I laughed. "Uhm... maybe?" I said, repeating what he had previously said.

He chuckled, then said, "Well, now it's my turn to ask a question. Who were those two boys with you?"

"Oh, so you're getting jealous?"
"No!" He exclaimed. "I'm just curious."

"They're friends. Just friends." I said.

"Oh, okay."
I could tell he was unsatisfied, but he didn't want to push it.

We finished our coffee, payed, and left. He walked me to 35 Portland Row, and, on the doorstep, he stopped. I looked at him, and then he kissed me on the lips really quickly.

I stood, shocked, and he backed away, mumbling "sorry", and he ran away.

I entered the house, and for the first time that day, I saw Lockwood. He was leaning against a wall. The shocking part was that he was wearing plain clothes instead of fancy and elaborate ones, his hair was really messed up, and he looked as if he had been crying.

Wait, Lockwood had been CRYING?????

He spoke. "I saw that."
"Saw what?"
"That kiss! What else?" He exclaimed.
"Okay, what about it?" I asked.
"I saw it."
"Well, I knew that, but I don't know why you're complaining. Are you feeling okay, Lockwood?" I reached out, putting my hand on his forehead, feeling for a temperature.

He seemed to relax under my touch for half a second, before tensing and stepping away from my touch.

"No, I'm not okay. I saw that kiss! WHY ON EARTH WOULD I BE OKAY????" He yelled, before crumpling to the ground, sobbing.


He walked through the door, took one look at the scene, and left.

"Seriously? You're just gonna leave? Okay then," I thought.

I knelt down next to where Lockwood was sobbing, put my hand on his back, and said,
"Lockwood, what's wrong?"
"I saw that kiss."
"What was wrong with that kiss?"
"Everything. Everything was wrong about that kiss."
"Why was it wrong though?"
He didn't respond. Finally, he looked me in the eyes and said, "I should have told you this sooner. Now it's too late and you're in love with someone else. Lucy, I'm in love with you. Now it's too late. It's too late for you to love me back."

I blinked. "You're... in love... with me?"
"Yes, and now it's too late for you to fell the same way about me that I feel about you. It's too late." He said, before tears started to come again.

"Er... okay, can I get you a cup of tea? Would that help?"

He shook his head. "Please don't leave. Just stay here."

I sat down next to him and put my arm around his shoulders. He finally got into a sitting position after ten minutes of kneeling and crying.

I grew tired. I yawned and fell asleep. Just before I fell asleep, though, I heard Lockwood whisper. "I love you, Lucy. I'm so deeply in love with you."
Author's Note:
Awwww that was romantic. Sort of. Remember, this is a fanfiction. All rights go to Jonathan Stroud.

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