"So, Austin, where'd you meet this nice boy?" Mr. Carlile questioned as he sat down across from us. I guess the questions about who I was and what I did began now.

"At a party a couple of months ago," Austin said as he picked at his spaghetti. "He was being kinda shy and hanging from the crowd and I saw Aaron talking to him and he looked cute, so I thought why not?"
I rolled my eyes and kicked his foot underneath the table.

"I thought you and that Shayley boy were dating?" Mr. Carlile questioned.

"Definitely not," Austin answered almost right away. Speaking of Shayley, I hadn't seen him in a long time, not since that night at the party a month ago whenever he told me to stay away from Austin and making me believe that those two were really dating.

"Well, that's good, I didn't like him anyways, he was not a good person to be around," Mr. Carlile said, which made me laugh because it was the truth. I didn't understand completely as to why Shay didn't like me, I knew he had a thing for Austin and that they had hooked up a few times when drunk, but I guess Shay hated the fact that all Austin ever wanted to do was be around me, which really wasn't my fault.

"Tell me a little about yourself, Alan," Mr. Carlile said. I glanced at Austin who gave a little smirk mixed with a smile, obviously not being any help at all.

"Um, I've got two brothers and a sister, I'm still in high school and, um, I'm not a very interesting person at the moment," I mumbled, feeling kind of embarrassed, but Mr. Carlile just smiled warmly at me.

"He seems like a keeper, Aust, I like him," he said, and if my cheeks weren't on fire before, they sure were now. Austin chuckled beside me and slid his hand underneath the table to my thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

The rest of dinner went by rather smoothly, Austin and his father kept up most of the conversation and I just sat there, eating my spaghetti. Soon after we all finished eating, I helped clean up the table and Austin and I found ourselves saying a goodbye to his dad before we left, going back to Kellin's house.

"That went well," Austin said, his hand finding mine as we drove along and he pressed a kiss to the back of my hand, causing me to smile.

"It did, I thought he wasn't going to like, which I wouldn't have been surprised, I'm not on the good side of people these days," I mumbled.

"Nonsense, you're the sweetest boy I've ever met," Austin said. I rolled my eyes, knowing that wasn't entirely true, but I didn't say anything.

When we arrived to Kellin's house, I saw something, or really someone that made my blood boil. Standing on the front porch, screaming at Kellin, was my father. I could hear him screaming, about what, I had no clue, but as soon as the car was parked, I was out of it and walking up to them.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded to know. Dad quickly turned to me and I could see the fire in his eyes.

"You! You're the damn reason she's leaving me! If you'd just learn to stay away, maybe things would be better!" He screamed. I knew he was talking about mom, and I knew he'd be heartbroken about it, but he deserved it.

"How is it my fault that she's finally leaving you for good? She's been trying to it for several years now!" I yelled back.

"Things were going well! You just put that- that bullshit into her head!" He screamed at me. "You're the reason for a lot of the shit that goes on in this family- your brothers and sister too! If it weren't for the way you all acted, maybe we'd be a happy family!" He was fuming, and at any moment, I knew he was going to completely snap.

"Maybe it's actually your fault for being such a terrible husband to her, not really giving a damn. You pushed your kids away when we needed you the most when she kept leaving us behind! None of this is mine, or Andrew's or Anthony's fault, it certainly isn't Alex's! None of this is our fault but yours and-" and he finally snapped, the back of his hand connecting with my cheek. If this had been the first time it happened, I would have been shocked, but sadly it wasn't the first, and this time he didn't just slap me, no, he threw some punches along with pushing me to the ground and continuing on from there.

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