chapter 2

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"I'm ho----me" Sylvia called.

'Why did you leave me?' She thought as she threw her bag onto the sofa. She walked through the elegant hallways of her house -mansion- and walked to her room. At least she wasn't a snobby girl and decided that just because she had a mansion and money she was at the top of the world. She thought that was stupid. As Sylvia sat on her bed a hand shot out from the shadows and clasped itself over her mouth, cutting off her air supply.

"Don't you dare move girly" an extremely familiar voice drawled from behind her, yet clear as water, as if he said this at least a million times already. Sylvia took a quick glance to her mirror on her wardrobe while she could still hold her breath and saw a filmy figure of man that looked like Corinth.

'I knew it!' Sylvia thought. She closed her eyes and imagined a dream she had once had. Her Dreams teacher had said that if something of the dream entity tries doing something bad to you, then try to chase it away with a good dream you had. Depending how close that dream is to you is how powerful it is.

Sylvia was in a meadow with butterflies fluttering lazily about. She looked around and saw a figure. No wait, two figures. Both of them were walking towards her and as they got closer Sylvia saw her parents. It was funny because she was a complete mix of both of them but everyone said she looked like her mother. Her father waved and said something but she couldn't remember what. Then that was the end of it. She opened her eyes and realized she was crying. She looked back at the mirror and saw that the ghostly image of Corinth was gone. 

"Shoot! What the heck was that?."

"Mistress, that is the first time I had seen you talk that much amongst your own will. Has something happened at school?" Sylvia's maid, Thelma, ran in. Thelma was the only servant in the whole house which is kind of ironic since everything looks as is it has been done by at least fifty servants. She was the only person inside of the house who tried to break down the walls that Sylvia put up after the accident. When Sylvia was little she had pretended Thelma was her second mother, as she had seen in Coraline, but as she grew older she began to pull away. Now it's up to the point where Thelma and everyone else have just been blocked out.

"I've made a decision Thelma. I am going to improve on my social skills for the upcoming trip." Sylvia said in her monotonous voice.

'Yeah if I'm not attacked again and sorry Thelma but I ain't gonna start speaking again until I know there is nothing to be worried about. What just happened is really raising some suspicions...' She had thought as she saw Thelma's face suddenly brighten up. But as quickly as it rose, it also fell.

"Mistress. I am happy for your decision but I must know what happened. Every single detail so I may inform that you are safe to the spirits of your parents." Said Thelma in the most serious voice imaginable, probably even more serious. Sylvia smiled. She couldn't help it, Thelma had claimed she was a median for as long as she was could remember. She was beginning to believe it because she always felt as if her parents were watching her.

She told her everything that had happened and Thelma suddenly had a worried and happy look on her face.

"Maybe it is beginning to happen." Thelma muttered to herself." Oh, Sylvia, I think it's finally happening." Thelma cheerily said as she grasped Sylvia's hand.

"Thelma, what's happening?" Sylvia inquired.

The door bell rung.

Thelma got up and in a second she was gone. About two minutes later Thelma came up with a chaffier.

"Ms. Whiteetoil? You are to leave immediately to the Holy Land of the Divine Bird Galaxy." He said.

'That place is just a myth!'

He then left swiftly.

"It's alright. You can go. I'll pack all your bags okay" Thelma said with a smile. I smiled back, then she was gone.

Sylvia looked around and then fell back on her bed, sighing as she did. 

'Finally. Still, I thought to get to the Holy Land you have to go by flying. Not by cars.'

At that moment Thelma suddenly appeared again in front of her. She held out the suitcase which looked very very light and Sylvia took it. It was just a simple black bag big enough to fit three casual outfits and two fancy outfits. And a couple of essentials.

'Essentials huh' Sylvia thought grimly as she pulled out a switch knife and a Swiss Army knife. She looked sourly at Thelma and remembered that Thelma does that when she thinks some thing is wrong. Once she was having a sleep over at her friends place when she was very young and she accidentally locked herself in a room that can be unlocked on the other side. Her Swiss Army knife and a bobby pin got her out.

Sylvia walked out of the house and her eyes almost popped out her head. There, in front of her house was a huge flying ship. It was extremely old school and Sylvia was very skeptical about it. Once or twice she went on one of these things but that was only about two miles drive and sixty feet off the ground. This would be at least a hundred fifty feet off the ground and traveling across the galaxy.

something pulled her onto the ship and when she looked down she saw that it was a vine. She had almost panicked and when she looked back to Thelma, all she saw was a reassuring smile and a thumbs up.

' typical' Sylvia thought.


Sylvia was sitting in the shade of one of the umbrella tables on the main deck and watched the rest of the passengers walked around, soaking in the sun.

there was something bugging her but she couldn't quite place exactly what it was. One thing she thought was probably that she was a little afraid of having to speak to a bunch of snobs like Clarice. No that cant be it, she was to strong to be put down by bitches like Clarice. Maybe it was--

"Sylvia!?" someone called.

 Sylvia looked in the direction that the voice was coming from and saw her best and only friend, Annabelle. she was immensely girly with the only thought of boys on her mind but she was kind and didn't judge people by the way they looked or how terrible or good their past was. She couldn't. she was an almost opposite of Sylvia because her chocolate brown hair would shine in the light while Sylvia's would somehow shine in the dark. She always tries to get Sylvia a boyfriend and would butt into other peoples business while Sylvia prefers to stay alone and keep away from others. Yeah maybe that was it. She didn't like to be around so many people on an aircraft that was high in the sky taking them to god knows if where. that was probably what was giving her the bad feeling. someone could easily just push her over the side of the ship and say that she jumped off herself.

" Hello? Earth to Sylvia" Annabelle said while waving a hand in front of Sylvia's face.

Sylvia looked over at Annabelle and pushed her hand away. she nodded to show she was now focusing.

" Great!" Annabelle cheerfully said." Guess what?! there was this boy on the ship around your age and he looked like he would be your type. I got his contact and told him that we should meet up here after dinner. He was all like '" sure. I'll come but I'm gonna bring a friend with me'" and I was like 'yeah, I was also gonna bring a friend.' so, you in?"

Sylvia nodded not wanting to disappoint her friend, who tries so hard to find the right person. Whenever Sylvia shows a hint that she might like someone Annabelle goes through fire and hell to find out who it is and if he is the right person for Sylvia.

'Well its almost dinnertime so it wont be that long I guess. But what is it that keeps bugging me?' Sylvia thought.


Oh im not sure Sylvia. Please. Enlighten me.

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