"Yeah, you," Zac nodded after finishing his second doughnut. Sitting down in the chair across from the couch he sighed. "It hurt me so damn much when you cheated on me. Yeah I knew you would always love Taylor but I guess I was naive when he came back. I thought maybe just maybe I meant more to you than having sex with him again. I guess I was wrong," he shrugged a frown playing on his lips.

Looking down as Zac talked Liz frowned feeling worse than she had originally. She knew cheating had hurt him and this was the first time since he found out that he was voicing how he felt. At least this time though he was calmer and she liked that.

"I'm sorry," Liz shrugged knowing that sorry was late but it was all she could say to him. "You do mean a lot to me though Zac and like I said before having sex with you I love you and him both and a part of me isn't sure what I want and really though what I want doesn't matter because you are both taken."

Staying silent Zac looked down, "I may have ended things with Fiona while I was gone," he sighed. "I..I couldn't go back to her. Not after being with you. I couldn't do that to her," he admitted as he chewed on his lip and looked back up.

Feeling her eyes widen Liz was shocked, "But where will you stay?" she asked finally finishing her second doughnut. She would offer for him to stay here but since she didn't know what she wanted she wasn't sure that was a good idea. She really didn't want to get his hopes up.

"With my parents," Zac shrugged as he looked at her. "Mom can never say no to me and I kind of miss her cooking," he laughed as he joked some.

Liz laughed some at his last words, "Well then, I'm sure your mom will love to know that you are only going back home for her cooking," she said as she shook her head and stuck her tongue out at him. It was such a Zac thing to say.

"I'm such a mean person, I know," Zac muttered as he stood from the chair and walked over to the couch where Liz sat. Slowly he sat down beside her and pulled her into him, "But you love me anyway, right?" he asked his nose flaring some when he asked that. It was so faint but Liz noticed it.

Laughing more she rested her head on his shoulder, "I do love you anyway," she nodded as she kissed his neck softly. "I love you no matter what," she muttered kissing his neck more. She was feeling incredibly horny again. She had heard this could happen during pregnancy though she had never expected it to be happening to her.

Zac moaned softly as his neck was kissed, "Damn it," he groaned as his eyes shut. "You're turning me on again," he breathed out.

"Good," Liz muttered as her lips slowly moved up to his and she kissed him. She was doing what she had intended to do if she was turning him on again.
Taylor sighed as he watched Natalie laying on the bed of their hotel and rubbing her belly. Ever since returning home he had been feeling guilty for kissing Liz. He hadn't felt guilty for sleeping with her and trying to hide it from Natalie but kissing her and hiding it, he did feel guilty for.

Standing from the chair he sat in he walked over to her, "We need to talk," he said as he sat down on the bed looking at his wife. He was scared of how she would react but this needed to be done.

"What do we need to talk about?" Natalie asked as she sat up some. Her face was showing just how confused she felt.

Looking away from her and down at the flowered sheets on their bed, Taylor took a deep breath, "I kissed Liz tonight," he confessed deciding to get right to the chase. He hated beating around the bush with her.

Natalie's face fell some at Taylor's confession, "Why?" she asked as her voice cracked showing that she was hurt by what he had done.

"Because I wanted too and it felt right," Taylor shrugged hating it when he heard her voice crack. He knew he didn't love her but he didn't want her crying. He would hate himself if she cried.

Tears soon went down Natalie's cheeks after Taylor's last confession, "I see," she said reaching up and wiping them off her cheek. "D..do you love her?" she asked though her voice came off like she already knew the answer to that.

Sighing as Natalie cried, Taylor looked away and stayed silent for awhile after she asked him if he loved Liz. She sounded like she already knew the answer to that but he decided he would answer it for her anyway.

"Yes, I do love her," Taylor nodded as he looked back at her. Hopefully being honest was the right thing to do for him. He had never been honest ever when it came to things like this. When he cheated on Liz she had to practically get it out of him during the argument when she miscarried and when he had cheated on Natalie the last time she hadn't found out until she knew Zac had dumped Liz.

Standing from the bed Natalie stayed silent for awhile as she went to the closet in the room. Grabbing her suitcase she laid it on the bed and opened it, "I..I think I should leave," she said throwing her clothes in the suitcase. "I shouldn't have even came out here after you," she admitted.

Watching and hearing her Taylor frowned, "You don't have to leave Nat," he said as he shook his head. "We are having a baby together. Just because I don't love you doesn't mean I don't want a chance to be a father," he said as he ran a hand through his hair. He might not have been ready or sure if he wanted the baby but he did want to at least try being a dad.

"I know but I just need sometime," Natalie said her voice cracking as more tears came down her cheek. "I'm sorry," she said as she closed her suitcase and picked it up. "I'll call you when I get to Georgia to let you know I made it safe," she said before turning and soon leaving the room.

Sitting on the bed in silence Taylor was stunned at what had actually happened. He didn't expect Natalie to just leave like that. Shaking his head he ran a hand through his hair wondering just what this meant for him now.

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