Chapter 1: Talks Of Marriage

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It was late in the afternoon. The sun was beginning to dip down in the horizon and the once-periwinkle sky was stained rosy pink and peach orange. The guys and I were alone in Andy's house. His parents had gone off hunting. Silence reigned the house, broken only occasionally by CC's infrequent coughs and groans of pain. 

Jake was texting Ella, a smile on his face. His eyes were sunny and happy. Jinxx was reading a large book. It was clearly a very old book, bound in brown leather and written on yellowing vellum. CC was curled on an armchair, his head clutched between his hands. Ashley was in cat form, padding around noiselessly around the living room. It was his way of being near me without ticking Andy off. Andy had his arm wrapped protectively around me, his eyes trained on the charcoal cat. 

CC gave another moan of pain. His headaches must've been agonizing. I looked at Jinxx, who was still occupied with the tome in his hands. 

"Jinxx, do CC a favor and just blank him out or something," I suggested. Jinxx looked at the CC with sympathetic eyes and pressed a finger to his shoulder. Instantly, CC relaxed. Jinxx gave a small smile before returning to his book, his finger never leaving CC's shoulder. 

"Dahlia, I have something to ask you. I know we've only been together for two weeks, but you've accepted to being my eternal mate. That means sooner or later, you're going to have to become a vampire, just like me. I can't do that, however, until we're married. It's sorta like premarital sex, but I don't have any qualms about sleeping with you now. Anyway, will you marry me, Dahlia James?" I looked at Andy with a shocked look. Ashley hissed at Andy and became a human being again. 

"What did you say? Andrew Dennis Biersack, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?" he shouted, diving for Andy. I threw myself in between them, but it wasn't necessary. Jake and Jinxx had already grabbed Ashley and was dragging him upstairs. CC sat up alert. He followed the others up the stairs. I could feel the calmness radiating from him. 

"I wish you two would stop fighting," I whispered, standing up. I cared about Ashley very much. I needed to know if he was okay or not. 

"Damn him! You're my mate, Dahlia. He has no right to you. It's vampiric law. Once someone has been imprinted on and claimed, any other suitors have to stop pursuing them."

"Andy, he's your friend! He's your bandmate! Think about the band. Think about your coven. If you fight with him, it will mean the destruction of both groups. If you two won't stop fighting, I'll leave!" I threatened, stomping up the stairs. He didn't follow me. I stalked up to Ashley's room and cautiously peeked into the room. 

"Ash?" I called out. 

"Come in," he said, anger still in his voice. I slipped in. He was lounging in his bed, the others surrounding him. He must've been extremely angry. Not even CC's powerful emotion magic could keep him happy. 

"I could hear you yelling at him. Please don't leave. I don't know what I would do without you." 

I perched myself next to him and rested one hand on his cheek. It felt cool and soft under my touch. He smiled and stacked a hand over mine. 

"Don't marry him. You have me. You won't have to marry. I could change you and we could become nomads. Everyday would be a new adventure," he murmured. 

The idea didn't sound awful. It would be like a fairytale. 

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