Chapter 2: No Longer a Doctor

Start from the beginning

"Hello................Allison?" Dr. Chase says stunned

"Ummmm hi Robert" I say equally stunned

"You were in the accident?"

"Um yeah a car hit my car actually"

"Well I'm glad you're okay........I haven't seen you in awhile"

"Well I don't practice medicine any more"

"Oh..........and the chart here says that I'm checking for arrhythmias"

"Yes but they could just be a side effect of......"

"Yeah of the pregnancy, I see it in the chart. Congratulations"

"Thank you" I say uncomfortably, I know Chase always wanted children but I wasn't so sure about it back then

"Is the father around" he asks tentatively

"He was in the car with me, I'm not sure if he's okay...............So what are you doing the ER, I mean aren't you an intensivist"

"Well actually I am now head of Cardiology here"

"That's great"

"Yeah, they were short staffed so I was helping in the ER until I am needed in surgery"

"Well that's good"

"You know Cuddy says that the ER has not been organized since when you were running it"

"She still works here?"

"Yep, she is still dean of medicine. Foreman is now head of Neurology"

"Wow that's great and how about House?"

"Well he's still an ass and still head of diagnostics"

"I wouldn't expect anything else" I laugh slightly

His pager goes off

"Sorry I'm needed in surgery. Your heart is fine and I'm discharging you. Just get some rest, and make sure to get prenatal care"

"I will, thank you"

He runs off to surgery, that was awkward. At least I'm okay, I need to go find out about everyone. I get up and put pressure on my knee, it hurts a bit and is still swollen. I walk out of the room and see a hectic ER. I really don't know how I managed this for all of those years. I walk over to the desk near the center of the ER. On my way I pass a bed and see Regina.


I walk over to her bed and close the blue curtains.

"Emma! Are you okay? Where's Henry!" Regina asks hurriedly

"I'm fine, Henry is in surgery. I still need to get details on everyone. How are you"

"Well I have a broken arm. The doctor is getting materials for a cast."

"It's okay we can fix it once we go back home. I need to see if my parents and Killian are okay."


"First I need to tell you something"

"What's wrong?"

"Well you see after I got out of prison I"

"Emma spit it out it's not story time"

"I was a doctor and I worked at this damn hospital. If anyone asks my name is Allison Cameron"

"Well isn't fate a bitch" she says sarcastically

"I feel like you've said that before"

"Well we tend to run into situations like this a lot"

"Yeah I guess we do. I'll come back once I find information."

I walk over to the desk and see Dr. Cuddy talking to some nurses. I approach the desk and clear my throat, she turns around.

"Dr. Cameron?"

"Hi Lisa"

She comes over and hugs me

"It's been so long! I've been trying to contact you"

"I don't really practice medicine anymore so I haven't been checking my old email."

"Well I'm happy to see you again. Dr. Hadley mentioned you were here. Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine but I need some information on my family who was in the accident with me"

"Yes of course, let me help you"

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