To my XC team...

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Hey you guys!
     I miss all of you so much, and I wish high school was longer, so I could race some more and be with you guys still. Being in college and being away from you guys has made me realize that I need you guys in my life. Maybe if I get the time, I will try and write to each of you specifically, but for now this is just a general letter to all of you guys.
     You guys are the ones that kept me sane. I have realized this now more than ever because I feel like I am falling apart at the seams, and it is becoming harder and harder to go and run. You guys would be so disappointed in me... so I'm sorry that I have become a disappointment. This team (all 4 years' teams actually) were like my second family, and I don't know what I am doing with my life anymore. I need your guys' help, but you can't because you can't change what is happening in my mind, and anyways, I am like 700 miles away.
     There are so many memories that I have from the last 4 years that seem to be flooding back to me. It's making it hard to focus- especially today. Don't get me wrong though, these were some of the best memories I've had... but I don't want them to be just memories. I want those days back, when I wasn't stressing about what I was going to do with my life, when I always had a smile on my face, when I was me (the skinny, goofy, always-laughing girl who cared about her team to the moon and back). Now I'm not even sure who I am anymore, and I want all of those old memories back, so I can find myself again.
I'm sorry if this turned into a pretty depressing rant to you guys, but I miss you and this is how I feel.
I love you guys.
Ambi-Bambi ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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