d.w. - prologue, part 2

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As I look back on what happened last year, I was hurt.

It was a hit and run.

You know, I thought he loved me, I really did.

I guess he just got what he wanted, wasn't satisfied and left. Just like that.

Ever since that day, he was nowhere to be found. People told me he left the school.

I guess this is what happens, you give a guy your virginity, he takes off and acts like it didn't happen.

Let me tell you, it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. I wanted to cry.

Even after, I could barely walk from the soreness. I started bleeding for three days and couldn't sit down without it hurting.

I eventually told my parents what happened. I was young and stupid.

Neither of them took it well.

"You're only fifteen years old! How could you make such a big decision like that?!" My dad spat.

"Did he even use protection? You could be pregnant for all we know...or even worse, you could now have an STD! Do you realize the seriousness of this issue?!" My mom followed.

There was lots of yelling and crying for the next week. I took a lot of verbal abuse, especially from my father.

My siblings, Robert and Hadassah had no clue what was going on.

After she calmed down, mom decided to take me to Planned Parenthood to get me tested.

She obviously didn't believe me when I said there was nothing wrong.

"She's not pregnant, and she's completely clean." The doctor told my mom.

After shaking and crying, my mom nodded.

Since then, she's felt a bit better about the whole situation. But I can't say the same for dad.

"You're telling me that you're all of a sudden okay?!" My dad yelled at my mom. "Our daughter's becoming a whore, Jenna!"

I sat back in my bed when I heard that and let the tears fall freely from my eyes.

After many days of sitting in my mild depression, I've decided to start jumping back into the life at school.

I started by making things right with the friends I've alienated for the past few weeks.

I couldn't even find a man or have sex again after this traumatic experience.

I remember my friend, Mercedes, texting me that she couldn't be friends with me anymore after what she had heard about Nick and I.

I've come 2 realize that ur not a good influence on me. I cnt b around stuff like this, I am a Christian girl who needs to follow thru w her beliefs. I'm srry.

I dnt blame u...but I should let u know that I need a friend more than anything in this situation. Especially since my parents aren't on my side anymore.

Since then, we've grown apart, but then she came around and started to understand what it is I was going through.

"Ooh, cutie at twelve." Mercedes said in excitement.

I looked in that direction and saw the guy she was talking about. She wasn't lying.

"He's giving you those eyes, girl." She continued.

I started to choke up. Can I really talk to another guy right now? What if he's just like Nick?

"Talk to him." Mercedes said, obviously knowing what I was thinking.

"But- I can't!"

"I mean, he's only Randy Orton, the star linebacker on the Jace High School football team."

"See? He has fuckboy written all over him."

"Don't knock it till you try it, honey." She winked and pushed me into his direction.

I shot her a glare before turning to him and smiling. "Hi."

"You're gorgeous." He blurted out.

I instantly started blushing. Nick has never called me gorgeous. Always sexy, but never gorgeous. "Thank you."

Since that day, we've been together. We were one of the happiest couples ever! He's never pressured me into sex or anything. He's perfect and I love him.

But of course, he had to move back to St. Louis for college, and I was alone, once again.

We still stayed together, but it was hard not seeing him.

I started to notice myself changing and I wasn't sure if it was good or bad.

I'm becoming more...dangerous, to say the least.

Something about you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
Something about you makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't

I'm in for the kill, call me the Ravishing Sinner...

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