Start from the beginning


"I'm sorry!" Hermione cried. "Everyone has been talking about it! We thought it was true!"

"Well its not!"

She instantaneously lowered her voice down to a shady whisper, trying to change the subject Hermione brought up.

"Did you hear about Sirius Black escaping Azkaban?" Elanora smirked, "He's so cool."

Ron and Hermione gave Harry a look. All he wanted to do was slap her and shout, 'stop talking!'

"He's so eluding! If I ever met him- I swear..."

The trio froze; and all was still. Sirius Black had always been someone to look up to as a role model, especially since Elanora never really had a father to look up to. With her Slytherin ways, Sirius Black was perfect. She almost laughed when she heard that Sirius had been a Gryffindor; and with the recent events, Elanora was on the edge of her seat to see what else he was capable of. Not that she'd ever share that with anyone but her ex Slytherin friends.

"What an ugly rat!" She exclaimed, wrinkling her nose. "Are those even allowed here?"

The trio immediately relaxed, grateful for Elanora and her incapability to control her words. More or less, it was Elanora trying to tear their attention away from the things she probably shouldn't have said. Ron had had him on his lap the entire time.

Ron scowled at her and stroked his fur, "His name is Scabbers, and yes, Elanora. He is allowed here."

"Didn't you just eat?" Elanora gagged.

Ron picked up Scabbers and began to baby talk him. Her brows jumped.

"Well I have an owl. His-"

Elanora's somewhat bossy and bragging tone, which resembled Hermione's when she had met Harry and Ron, was swiftly interrupted by the train jerking and surprising the kids. Elanora was knocked into the somehow still sleeping Professor, and a look of disgust formed on her face as she pushed off of him. She felt kind of bad.

Harry stood up, pushing aside the door and poking his head out, along with several other kids in different compartments. But a jolt of the train had him falling right back into his seat and the door closed behind him.

The power had slowly gone off, the effect rushing through the train, urging Elanora's fear to go through the roof. Elanora's breath quickened, and all sat quietly in the dark.

All of their hearts were pounding. Elanora could almost hear them; her own was beating strongly against her ribs. There was a slam, and Elanora whimpered, grabbing onto Harry's hand.

"What's going on?" Ron asked quietly.

Thin wisps of steam arose from each kids mouths.

"Was zum teufel?" Elanora muttered in German.

She watched as the cool air slipped out of her mouth once more, creating white swirls that used to entertain her as a child. Now they only terrified her.

"I think I miss the heat."

"Dunno, guys... maybe we've broken down?" Harry questioned.

PAPERWEIGHT ϟ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now