~Chapter 1~

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Irka's POV

It felt like a normal day to me here at Spartan Highschool; crowded hallways, people with their lovers making out in the corners, security guards yelling at the teens for them to get to class...

The only thing that makes my day interesting everyday is my little group of friends, who i see almost everyday. My best friend, Ella, could be annoying at times but she makes my classes a whole lot better with her outbursts in the middle of our classes...and her interesting actions. Im suprised no one notices her actions except me, of course, which is why its funny, most of the time.


After that long period of science class that we had, we get to go the cafeteria for our lunch break, where our group of friends are waiting for us. I take my usual seat at our table and observe the weirdness of my friends, while using my tablet.

One of the guys at the table plays music aloud on his phone, which helps me cancel out all of the chaos and drama that goes on in the cafeteria. We all had fun laughing because they started to make jokes, which made lunch feel like only 5 minutes when in reality was really 45 minutes.

~Timeskip to after lunch~

Last class... Finally... I dont really pay attention, i just try to play on my phone. Ella on the other hand, who sits right next to me, keeps nudging me every time she sees my phone, saying that the [mean] teacher would take it away. It gets a little annoying but i guess its for a good cause.

Because i cant play on my phone, i pulled out a piece of paper and we started to take turns drawing in attempt to get this class to go by fast so we could go home.


"Please send Irka and Ella to the principles office for a moment." A nasealy voice said over the loud speaker.

Ella and i looked up at the loud speaker when we heard our name being called then at each other. My look was asking her what kind if trouble did she get us into.

"I swear i didnt do anything wrong..at least i dont think i did." Ella said, reading the look on my face.

We both get up from our seats and go to the teacher to get a pass then we both walking into the hallways, that only consisted of a couple of teachers walking about and us...of course.

I notice Ella starting to walk backwards in front of me, im guessing so she could see my face better.

"We should walk really slow there and back so we wont have to be in the boring class with that witch." Ella said in her cheery voice as she jumped up and turned to walk normally.

"Are you serious? We probably got called down there because i got dragged in with your stupidity." I retorted to her with a scowl on my face. "And you just want to skip class." I added at the end.

"Well, i dont see why not, admit it, you dont like that class either." I notice her say in a less cheery voice than before. I couldnt think of anything to say back to her, as much as i hate to admit, she was actually right about something...which doesnt happen very often.

Before i knew it, we were in front of the principle's office and i sighed softly, just knowing im going to get in some sort of trouble for whatever Ella did. We...well i... opened the door to the office and lead the way into office.

The principle,who's a bit intimidating, gave both of us a letter, followed by him saying "congratulations."

Congratulations? Why is he congratulating us?

I had a slight of a confused look on my face as i took the letter and left the office, followed by Ella, who was already starting to open the letter she recieved and reading it to herself. I notice her facial expression changes to a more shocked and surpised expression.

"What? What's wrong? What does it say?" I asked her filled with curiousity, as we're walking back to class.

"Just open yours and see what it says..."

(To be continued...)

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