Knight protects Pawn
        Champ looked out the window, it was dark. They were tense, there was loud noises at night, honks and screeches that echoed throughout the streets. Champ was done with it. The noise was too much, the people, it was too much. They walked down the stairs as quietly as possible, and approached the door.
“Hey, kid.” Champ flinched and turned around. It was Ging, sitting in the middle of the boxing ring.
“City stress getting to you?” Champ didn't answer, they didn't even move. Ging patted the ground next to him, and Champ followed the gesture. After sitting down, they were offered a large bag of sugary cereal. They took it. Ging then picked up another one, and started eating it dry. Champ did the same.
“It's a bit hard to get used to the city, but if you give it a chance it has its charms.” Champ looked down at the cereal.
“So what do you remember kid?”, he turned his head to look at them.
“Uh… N-not really anything… J-just the b-building, the man, th-the experiences...And M-Marco.” Champ stopped talking.
“Who’s Marco?”
Champ looked like they could cry. “Th-the only p-person who ever helped m-me.”
He reached over and ruffled her hair, looking at her, “Hey kid cheer up, don’t worry about it. We all make mistakes.”
Champ huddled down into a ball, away from Ging’s touch. They didn't cry, just sat there. They abandoned the cereal bag, and Ging picked it up. He set down the bag on the floor, standing up, “Kid, get up.”, he moved the cereal out of the ring. Champ didn't for a moment, pondering whether they should, then got on all fours. They looked up at him.
“You gonna fight like that kid?”, he asked as he got out of the ring, he moved his hands then got back into the ring wearing jeans, instead of the sweatpants. He cracked his neck, “I would suggest you fight up right or someone could kick you in the chest.” Champ looked down at their hands, and stood up. “F-fight…?” They watched the strange man.
“I’m teaching you sparring.”
Champ cocked their head like a dog, “Why?”
“Because you need to learn how to fight. You can’t just rely on instincts.”
Champ thought for a moment. Looking down at their body, then they pulled their hands up, and threw a punch. Ging dodged, “See you gotta pull the punch with your whole torso pretty much. It's a twisting motion. Think about punching through, not at your opponent.” Champ looked at the man, and tried again. “Better, try putting more force into it.” Champ did, and then fell. “Too much.”
He put his left foot forwards as he left his torso to the side, balling his fist, “Mimic me.”, he says as he punched forwards with his right hand.
Champ followed his lead this time, and also went with their right hand. “Better, try again.” Champ did. “Ok, you're doing something wrong, but I don't know what. Try again, but do it in slow motion.” Champ gave his a small look, but did as told. “Good, try it three times now, faster.” Champ did, and continued till morning.
Tonic walked downstairs and noticed the two. “Ging?! What are you doing to this kid? They're beat up, as it is, and you keep them up all night?!”
“Hey! They woke me up at three in the morning!”, he yelled back.
“B-But I found you awake in-”, they spoke then were glared at by Ging, “Roll with it.”, he spoke out the side of his mouth.
“James.”, she said as she crossed her arms.
“Yes Ic?”
“Were you eating in the middle of my boxing ring.”
“Then why are there Rainbow Rings.”
He stepped aside to cover the cereal, “Pfft, what are you talking about?”
“You wanna have another fight?”
“Please no, I have to work today.”
“No you don’t”
Ging let out a throat scream as he looked at Champ, “Get out of the ring.”, he ushered them out.
Champ sat on one of the foldable chairs as Tonic moved her way into the ring. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail as she wrapped sports tape around her fists.
“T-Tonic we can talk this out.”, Ging stammers.
“No we can’t.”, she said as a thin sheet of metal covered her body, she cracked her neck as walked towards him.
“Alright Col-”, he choked as he was hit in the throat, sending him to the ground as he climbed back up the ropes. She pinned him in the corner, punching his gut and chest, “How. Many. Times. Have. I. Told. You. No. Eating. In. The. Ring!”, she uppercutted him sending him flying. He landed outside the ring as she cracked her knuckles, letting her hair down as she hopped out of the ring.
Tonic’s skin turned back to normal, and walked over to Champ.
“You okay? If you're tired you can go sleep on my bed.”
Champ stood gaping, then looked at Ging. “What was that.”
He was climbing to get back on his feet, when he slipped again. “What was what?” He said groaning.
“Y-You…you-yo….? Wh-what?” Champ gestured to the boxing ring and back at him multiple times. A few sparks even started coming off them from confusion. “What?” Ging said all casual. Champ made a few more noises to show confusion and discomfort, and a few more shock pushes few off of them. Ging finally got up and walked over to Champ and patted their shoulder as he walked past. Champ slumps down a wall as they grab handfuls of their hair, “I’m tired of people not explaining anything.”
Ging sighed as he squatted in front of her, he smiles reassuringly as he stood, “Spirit crystals.”
“What?”, Champ stares at him as he shifted.
“Well you see….spirits when captured and destroyed they turn into crystals…”, Ging turn to look at Tonic.
“And Ging thinks that you might have some Crystals in your cheeks.”, Tonic says as she glances nervously at Ging. Champ looked back and forth between them.
“Cr-crystals…?” They just sat their for a moment, “Why?” Ging passed a glance at Tonic, “We, don't really know.” Champ did nothing, trying to reason with this new information. Ging kinda patted her head reassuringly. “Listen kid, you generate electricity, Tonic can turn herself into metal, and I’m...this.”, he stood and walked back over to the ring.
Chapter Five

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