chapter 63 - happily ever after

Start from the beginning

------------------------later the day, at night-----------------------------

The ballroom is set up amazingly. All of my children are here along with the rest of my family. My babies all look so different from the last time I held them all on Earth. Brody has his brown eyes and brown with blonde hair along with his ivory skin tone. Alec still has his big bright blue eyes and blonde hair now. His skin takes a hold of a soft tan, like his father. Moon is so beautiful with her giant dark purple eyes. Her hair is stark white, as if someone poured bleach on it, but left the tips a flaming red. Her skin is pale, but looks only right on her. She holds her beauty that will be envied when she grows up.

I pick her up and whisper to never grow up at her. I give her to Christian and pick up Alec. I can see that every girl will chase, but he will only care to be with his mate. I look at Mom who holds Brody and stands next to Dad and my other dad. Ciro still gets mad that I call Joshua my father, but he will eventually get over it hopefully. There is a clink of a champagne class close to me. I look around to see that it was Emilio.

"Good evening ladies and gents, I would like to propose a toast."

What is he doing?

"These amazing young children are to be our future; today they turn one. I will never have children since my love was brutally murdered. By who you may ask, of course it was her sister. Your future goddess is impure, a liar, and a murderer!"

Guards rush towards him and start to drag him out.

"I was sworn to secrecy, but no longer with I stay silent! Murderer! Murderer!"

The doors slam shut, yet I can still hear him yelling murderer. I look around the ballroom to see horrified faces along with shock. I want to peep into their minds to see what they think, but I am afraid of the harshness. I look at Christian's face to see shock.

"Everyone stay calm, none of you understood what Lisa had planned. She wished to kill Kalin, her mate, her children, and her pack. She was going to build an army of werewolf hunters and take over the world s she could become a goddess. If Kalin had not stopped her, then all hope for Earth would have been lost," my mother says, saving me.

I let out a breath of relief as the faces in the crowd relax. I go stand between Dad and Mom.

"It had been brought to my attention this morning that I should regret what I did. I do regret that Lisa would kill anyone, including our little Brody who lives here, just to rule a kingdom. I honestly do not regret having to take major actions to protect my family and future. I believe that it was a pure to kill her. She was consumed by darkness and her soul needed to be free, which is why she is no longer here."

There is about a minute of no one moving or saying anything, but in an instant that all changes. The people all bow in sync. I look at Mom to see her smiling at me. She nods and I follow suit. 

"I think presents are in order then cake."

---------------------------3 hours later-------------------------

The party is now being cleaned up. Alec was given a ring on a chain for when he gets older from Christian; it was originally Brandon's great-grandfather's ring to begin with and it had been passed down from Alpha to Alpha. Moon received a necklace with a wolf howling on it. Brody got a tiny king dress up set. Brody's might seem like less, but he also got things from everyone else. I know that he will also be able to grow up with his parents unlike his siblings.

I tuck Brody into his crib that is beside my bed. Christian is fast asleep along with all of the rest of the kingdom. I tiptoe across the hallways, holding my finger on my lips every time I pass a guard. They know this routine of mine and will not tell a soul. Even though I can tell teleport myself to the dungeon, the walk always takes my breath away since I have to walk outside.

Once I get past all of the guards, I plop myself down in front of the cell.

"Come to see me again?" they ask.

"I told you the first night that you were brought down here in secrecy that I would see you every night my beloved sister."

The glare in Lisa's eyes tells me that once again no one came to visit her during the day, not Emilio or our parents; just plain old me.

"I heard the ruckus Emilio created at their party, he doesn't know about me, does he?"

"No, and he never will. I didn't recreate a heart for you just so we can repeat history. You shall live in here forever, barely getting the necessaries and with only your thoughts until I die. If you kill yourself then I will just give you another heart. You will never be able to escape the pain that I will create for you. Scream all you want, cry all you want, but defy this pain and you will be blessed with more."

"You really are evil, more evil than I could ever been. Why could they not see the real you?!" she spats out.

"Because you made it impossible to look at anything else other than yourself. I would have stayed innocent except that I needed my memories, giving me back who I really am. My time is up, I will see you tomorrow night."

I get up and walk away with a smirk on my face. Her screams become silent as i mentally show her the pain of having her vocal cords ripped out by a rusted spoon.


We made it guys!! Yes, this is the last chapter of this book. Yes, there will be a sequel. But no, not right away. I would like to finish my other book "Puzzles Pieces" before I write the second book. It has been a thrill with this book and the people who still read it. I thank you to reading it all the way to the end. Comment, vote, and everything else if you wish. If you have any questions, feel free ask them. See y'all on the flip side.

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