I - The House of Questions and Answers

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When Kathryn was standing infront of the large metal gates, she had a strange feeling in her stomach.

Fear. Nervousness. Confusion. Maybe it was just her breakfast.

She's wanted to come here for so long but never took the chance, nor did she have the courage. She's a girl who is considered brave, wild, and fearless by the people around her, but she knew otherwise.

She stayed there for a while, just looking at the gates. She could see beyond them was a stone path which would lead to a house she's been longing to see. A house she's been longing to explore.

She's been here before. Once as a child but only for a few days. That trip didn't really end well. That first trip, she was but an innocent child. All she saw was a house. But as time passed, questions came but answers never followed.

She's also had trips with college friends and they were able to pass by these exact same gates. But that's it. She just passed by.

I'm not ready.

This was one of the excuses she made back then. But now she's back. And she's ready to face the ghosts of the unknown. Or so she hopes.

She pulled up her hoodie and tightened her grip on her backpack. She looked around to check if anyone was watching. She wouldn't want people to be suspicious of her. She started climbing the gate. Good thing she's had practice with the gates back a home.
The top of the gate had the typical pointed tips. As a lightweight girl, she just maneuvered over the tips carefully until she safely landed on the other side.

The gate was locked and so she had to do a little tresspassing.

But hey, is it trespassing if it's family property?

She walked on. Kathryn Casey Manuel walked on. If the answers weren't gonna follow, then she took it upon herself to be the one to go back and find them.


It was just another day for Daniel.

He started by running errands for his mom. Buying the things she needed for their karinderya.

His dad on the other hand went immediately to their repair shop in the town proper.

What did they repair? Just about anything. They weren't exactly a rich family. They had their own financial problems, doing their best to make ends meet. But like any content family in the teleseryes, they would always find a way.

He jokes about it but his life could be a total tear-jerker im MMK.

After buying things for his mom, he would normally go to their shop but today was a different day. It was a Friday and on Firdays, he would always check up on the house. This house owned by the family Villavicencio.

It was a way to earn extra. He came across the house one day and saw that it had a sign:


It had simple requirements. He just had to check on the house at least once a week and make sure it stays clean. It didn't have to be 100% dust free but at least maintained. He also had to tend the garden. He was to make sure nothing goes missing and to contact the owner if anything goes wrong.

He wouldn't be liable for any losses unless he himself truly was to blame (e.g. if he is being clumsy or if he steals).

It was a big house so it would take up his whole morning but it was a good P1200/month for a simple job like that. So he took it immediately.

He was always curious about that house. It felt like a house of secrets. It made him ask so many questions.

Why would a beautiful house like this be left alone?

If the Villavicencio's weren't gonna live in the house, why don't they just sell it? Why keep spending on maintenance?

What was the story behind that room upstairs?

But no matter how many questions this house imposed, Daniel felt like it also had answers.

This house has a purpose.

Daniel would often tell himself. He didn't know how or when but he felt this house to soon have significance. Soon.

You're overthinking again.

He unmounted his pick-up and unlocked the gate. He parked his car inside before going inside the house.

This is just another Friday.

This is just another Friday for Daniel Joshua Elago.

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