mysterious girl in the rain

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Sasuke pov

I was waiting for neji huuyga we had a mission from the hokage to go into the forest out side the village and servay the area to make sure none of orochimaru followers are not near the village as I wait by the entrance to the village I sat down on the bench that me and sakura sit on

As I see three people coming towards me and one of them was neji huuyga the two others where girls and neji said " sorry to keep you waiting sasuke but the hokage ask me last minute to bring these to ladies with us she said that they can help with the mission snice they have the same skills as us " the first girl came behind neji and said

" hiya the name is kanna starlight i havr the skill of the Sharingan " her hair was red as blood and she held a skrol behind her back along with four mini skrols

I waved at her and said " I see a new official ninja of the leaf " next came out a girl with white hair and a black outfit with eyes that turned from black to white and she said " hi I'm kaguya moonphase I have the skill of the Byakugan "

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I waved at her and said " I see a new official ninja of the leaf " next came out a girl with white hair and a black outfit with eyes that turned from black to white and she said " hi I'm kaguya moonphase I have the skill of the Byakugan "

I smiled and said " one more new leaf ninja okay did neji fill you in on the mission miss kanna and Kaguya? " they smiled and nodded then neji said " I was thinking me and Kaguya use our Byakugan to look ahead while you and kanna stay at front sni...

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I smiled and said " one more new leaf ninja okay did neji fill you in on the mission miss kanna and Kaguya? " they smiled and nodded then neji said " I was thinking me and Kaguya use our Byakugan to look ahead while you and kanna stay at front snice you can use your sharingan for fighting the orochimaru goons "

I nodded and said " good plan neji let's head out okay "as we moved the trees passing through we stopped every 10 trees for neji Byakugan to be used as I looked at him he whould shake his head and so we went further and further into the forest As it started to rain we all stoped and took a brake then kanna said " neji isn't a few more kalmatores where the rumors start from ?" I looked at her then kaguya said " yeah I know what your talking about kanna I wonder "

Neji and I looked at them and I said " what rumors? " kanna looked at us and said " a few days ago passers were going from village to village and they saw a fallen angel with scratches and betten up pretty bad she look like she was about to die but nobody wanted to touch her for when you open her eyes they show ........." neji and I leaned in and Kaguya said " I heard a different version of the rumor it is said that villagers that were passing by through village to village saw a fallen angel with golden hair that had Been betten up to where she was almost to death laid in the rain but people where scared to help her cuz of her eyes when you would open the they showed ........."

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