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My name is Bejna
I am 14 years old
I am the only daughter of of my family
I hate my family
I have many bruises from their beatings

When i look out my window of my clay rubble house
All i see is broken buildings
I wish to see the beautiful hills rivers and valleys of kurdistan
But all i see is broken clay rubble

I hear gunshots
I hear bombs
I hear the screams a children when ripped from their families
I here footsteps the our door bursts open

The enemy is here for me
i go willingly
Anything to get away from my family

The hills are ablaze
The once beautiful building are ashes
The fiery embers still glow

I have left my family
I have joined the enemy
I now i feel safe

I have am on my first mission
I have killed many people
I have many scars not physical but mental

My gun goes
My family dropps dead
I have killed them
I do not feel regret or remorse

During transportation we are attacked
They take me and the other children into a helicopter
I scream and tell them to let me go
I don't think they can understand me

Somebody tells me that these people are "americans"
That they are here to save us
They are nice though they are still my captors
I wish my family were like them
I love my captors

There is woman assigned to watch me and the other children
Her name is Melanie or officer Hues she speaks my language perfectly
I like her she is nice
She says she loves me
She says that she is going to adopt me
I can't tell the other children because they will become jealous

The war is over
The bloodshed has stopped
My new life has begun

I have a new life
I have a new family
I love Officer Hues
My life has gone back to as normal as it can

Melanie lives in a house in the city
It has a large bed with silk floral sheets
It has a sturdy frame with a solid roof
It has running water, a kitchen and plumbing.
I love Melanie i love my new mama

Those who used to be my captors are now my friends
They are my true family
They do not beat and bruise me
My old family brought me pain dailey
I love my mama
My new family treats me with kindness and respect
I would never kill Melanie

My life has been inside out
My life is back again but it will never be the same
I am very thankful for that

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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