Same Old, Same Old (Chapter 1)

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Day after day. Night after night. Hour. After. Fucking. Hour.

It was always the SAME. EXACT. Thing.

Wake up.

Eat whatever fucking shit they gave you.. Which they had the nerve to call 'food'

Watch as they check your special collar, to make sure you don't get away. (While you galre at them like "Fuck. You.")

Do whatever work assigned.

Watch them check your work.

Fix your mistakes, and if any made be prepared for punishment.

4 hours of beating.... For minor mistakes

Limp back to your 'bunker' (Wtf)... More like your prision cell.

Sit and wait.

Eat whatever shit they give you again.

And then off to bed.

Wake up and repeat the process.

This might be considered death or imprisonment or whatever to you..

But to me. This was my life. This was what I did every day. And is what I had done ever since I could remember.

I wasn't alone, no. But no use getting attached of friendly with anyone.

That will always be crushed when 'The Warden' asks to see them.

Ever. Single. Person. I know. Never came back after talking to this person...

Even my mother.

My father was a scientist. He abused me and my mother. After
.... My brother, Chase. Died. In a motorbike accident.

My father sold us to this torturous facility.

I've always wondered what happened to those who talked with this mysterious unknown person, called 'The Warden'

I wonder often. Letting my mind drift past the steel bars and stone walls and work. And shit to eat and cramped spaces..

I wonder what is like..

Out there

I wonder what its like..

To be free

"Aye, Lady!"

I hissed as something came in contact with my face.

The burning and stinging sensation on my cheek indicated a slap.

Damn gaurd

"What!?" I hissed at the man in front of me.

He could loose a few pounds. But I can't say he is fat. He had a tad bit of facial hair. Not to much though.

His hair was combed back in a way that made me strain not to burst out in a bundle of insane laughter.

His hair had a dark brown hint to it, yet blonde streaks where visible here and there.

"Watch your tone, pest" he hissed back

It took all I could do not to jump up and knee him in his groin.

He slammed a tray of.... Something on a small table tray sat there for food purposes only.

As I watched him my eyes traveled to the keys on his belt... Then they darted to the gun in his holster.

If I could get those two items....

I could break out of this hell hole..
All I have to take care of then is the stupid microchip.

The idiots think I don't know where its at...

"Eat pest" he hissed snapping my concentration from my thoughts.

As I turned to the disgusting shit they served us to eat. My eyes traveled to my upper arm were that scar was. Two things ran through my mind..

#1 I wonder how hard it would be to get that damn microchip...

#2 is this shit even edible...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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