Chapter 2

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                           I see a sign that says "arriving in Storybrook, 2.3 miles." I began to get antsy. What if my dad doesn't live here anymore? What if he doesn't even like me! What about Emma? The girl he's married to. What if she hates me! I decide to turn on the radio to get my mind off things. The song that was playing was an oldie, but it's okay. I still like it.
                      About 10 minutes later, I arrive in story brook. I get so excited, that I think I'm going to fall out of my seat right then and there. I drive around for bit, not much to see, but it's cozy. A lot of people were starring at me. It's like they've never seen a person in their life! I find I place called Granny's.         
I park on the side of the road, and walk in. A older lady is standing at the desk. "Hi, can I have a room?" I ask politely. "Yes ma'am. May I have your name please?" "Karleigh, Karleigh Hook." I say.
"Hook?" She asks surprised.
"Yes ma'am." I say as she hands me my key to my room.
"How long do you plan on staying miss. Hook?" She asks me.
                        "Not sure, until I find what I'm looking for I suppose. Thanks so much." I grab my bags, and walk upstairs to my room.  When I unlock the door, I see a bed, a small bathroom, and a tiny chair in the corner. It's a very cute room, I can see Tony loving this room. I put my bags on the bed, and pull out my computer. "Okay Karleigh, lets find this guy." I begin to do a little more research, and my stomach growls. "Guess I'm a little hungry." I walk downstairs and ask the old lady where a good place to eat is. She says there's a diner down the road. I get into my car, and drive to the diner.
                  I walk inside and it's just like I'm in a 80's movie. I sit at the bar, and I order a hot chocolate with whip cream, with a hamburger. I get my food, and my hot chocolate. I realize there is cinnamon on it. I take a sip. Pretty good. A guy walks in, he has a hook for a hand, he's dressed like he really likes black or something. I turn back and continue drinking my drink. He sits in a seat beside me.
                "Are you new here?" He asks me.
"Guess you could say that. I'm just visiting a couple of friends." I reply with a smile.
"Cool, cool. Hope you enjoy it here." He says, returning the smile.
              A girl walks in, I recognize her from the commercial. She sits besides the guy beside me, and they kiss. Wait, if they are kissing, and she's the one from the commercial that's supposed to be married to my dad, the gothic guy is my dad? No, he can't be. He doesn't even look like me!
            I finish my food and drink, and pay and leave quickly. I drive back to the hotel and pull out my laptop, and I search up "mayor of Storybrook." Her name is Emma Swan-Hook. Her spouse is Killian Hook. She has one child named Henry. It says Killian has no kids. So maybe I'm wrong? Unless he doesn't know about me. That may be the case. I hear someone honk the horn outside. I look outside and I see someone I recognized. Tony. I quickly put everything away and walk downstairs outside. "What are you doing here!" I ask and hug him.
"Just thought you may need help. Have you found him yet?" He asks me.
"I'm not sure. I think, but it says he has no kids." I reply.
"Maybe he doesn't know about you?" He says in a questioning way. 
"That's what I was thinking. Hey, follow me. We can do more research upstairs." We walk upstairs, and we both sit on the bed.
About 2 hours of researching, we now assume that he's my father. "Thanks for the help Tony, I really needed it." I say with a smile.
"Anything for you." He says, returning my smile. We look at each other, which feels like forever. Stopping the silence, I ask him, "Are you staying here, or getting your own room?"
"Getting my own room. I think this room is a little to small for the both of us." He replies. We both laugh a little. "Sounds good to me. Now get outta here loser." I say pushing him out. "Loser! You're more of a loser than I!" He says as I shut the door on him.
I giggle, and I get my pjs on. I lay in my bed, and I look at the ceiling. I grab my phone and text Tony.
K: hey loser.
T: what's up with you calling me loser all of a sudden?
K: cause you are one. But we can be losers together.
T: that's right.
K: anyways, just wanted to say goodnight.
T: well, you said it.
K: I did didn't I? Are you going to say it?
T: I don't know, I'm not tired.
K: well I am, so imma go to bed now.
T: okay loser. goodnight.
K: you too loser.
Not as long as I usually make it. But it's a pretty good start, don't you think? Let me know in the comments below.

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