Prince : Automatic so in love with you!

Start from the beginning

I flinched, how is that even possible when did I meet Micki? I shook my head.  In anger, I pulled off the pearl necklace he gave me and threw it on the floor.

He stopped and took one look at the broken chain on the floor as the beads rolled all over the floor. I  stared at him in silence as he looked away and continued slowly walking away.

"Please, can we talk about this," I begged, clasping my hands together. "Please Tell me what to do to fix this!"

"There is nothing more to talk about Athena."

I shook my head as I watched him walk out the door, my pride stopped me from following and calling out to him. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. At that moment, Remi walked in.

"Hey boss got the new," he said expecting to see Prince in the studio. Instead, he met me

" Oh, Hi Athena!"

"You just missed him Remi," I said standing still for a moment.

"That's okay that is how it usually works; he leaves the song for me to work on when I come in. How are you doing? Baby, doing okay?"

"Yes, No Remi I am in trouble with Prince, I do not know what to do. I had lunch with Jill and Now he wants to fire Mell and" I said rambling on and on!

"Oh slow down," Remi interjected.

"I am sorry, it is just that I can never seem to win, one drama after the other."

"Do you love him?"

"Of course I do Remi why would you ask that?"

"Now I am not talking about Prince the rockstar, I am talking about the man, the shy and loving man, Who gives all  he has to others, Is this the man you love?"

"Yes, I will drop everything for him. I already did."

"If you want to know what to do, let go, fight for him! Stop listening to what people tell you about him. Especially JillB, she is playing mind games on you. She wants you out of the way.  You know what Prince always used to tell me?"

"No what?"

"He would say there are people who are unhappy with everything and want to dictate who you are. Let those people go"

"So tell me what to do to make him trust me."

"love him! Be his champion he is going to have it tough; he needs a strong woman. I am sure you can be the one for him. Stay with him; this is going to be a rough time. If he leaves Jason B, then he will have to bankroll everything with his money!"

"Can you talk to him for me so he would not fire Mel?"

"I wish I could, let me tell you secret. The girl that wins is the one who gives him space. Now find him and makeup. Makeup sex always works!"

My eyes widened as I blushed in embarrassment. Remi found it funny, after all, it is not like we have not done it before I mean look at my belly!

"Don't be embarrassed, girl, I know you are getting it on with him, so use your womanly skills on him. Now go to him, but not a word to him about slowing down his hectic schedule, he hates that. Also never tell him to stop making music because anyone who nags him usually ends up banished from Paisley."

I thanked Remi and rushed toward studio B to find Prince.

Prince is not there. I turned around and decided to head up to his private quarters; Prince was sitting on the bed almost completely nude except for his hip chain, his unbuttoned white shirt and a pair of socks holding. He is reading the holy book.

I found it intriguing that he kept his socks on, he was so sexy and fit. He looked up at me and then back to what he was reading.

"Tell me what to do." I stand there and whisper facing him looking into his hazel brown eyes.

"Baby, you are my purple star, why do I love you so much?" Prince asked in his low soft voice. "God knows I do not ask for much."

"I did not do anything with Micki; I am sorry for all the things I said. please forgive me." I said begging for his forgiveness.

"I forgive you, Athena. I guess I am just an addict to you. I am so in love with you. It is automatic!" he said, closing his Bible. "I will never leave you no matter what you might do."

"Now come, it is time for pure pleasure."

I began my slow walk towards him, discarding each item of clothing I had on; the dress over the shoulder? gone. Red bra snapped off, tumbles to the floor leaving my breasts free to sway with my motion. Prince's eyes widened. He was shocked to see such a confident Athena. Then he views a gold hip chain around my waist. He smirks and licks his lips.

" Sexy, I will go down on you all night long."

"You will?"

"Yes, I will baby. I can't help myself you see when it comes to you; it is automatic. Now lay down next to me baby let the pleasure phase begin. Come on baby!"

"Undress me" he commands. I push his unbuttoned white shirt off his shoulders. Then I laid with my back to the bed. Prince positions himself over me.

"when we kiss, our souls are kissing. Hmm Athena" He said kissing my lips then proceeding further down, planting kisses on my most sensitive parts, then he finally got to my sex. He used his lips to part my intimate lips slowly. He pleasured me as promised all night long. I came multiple times.

"Hmm, you always taste so good, baby," he murmured as his tongue worked on me while his delicate fingers tugged on my hip chain. "I am so in love with you. You are my soulmate; I will never leave you, baby." I moaned in response. "It's been a while since I tasted your ice cream hmm"

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't get the words out, my body shuddered in response to movement of his pleasurable tongue, his hazel eyes fixated on mine. I screamed as his talented tongue brought me to my peak multiple times! Pushed him over:

"Now it is my turn!"

"Hmm Good lord," he gasped, placing his hand behind his head." hmm, you like to go down? Well, put that where you want to baby."

You see I had to make sure the wedding next week will be called off or will it?

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