"How can you tell?"

"Because you won't look at me." He stated so simply it kind of shocked me.

I made a point of looking directly into his eyes,

"There. Happy?"


"Harry, I looked at you all day when we were out on the beach."

"You had sunglasses on."

I let out a frustrated sigh. I was going to have to get way better at masking my feelings if he was already able to tell something was wrong,

"Picky, picky."

He shook his head,

"I don't know why you can't just tell me. I thought we were past all this."

"There's nothing to tell." I said after a moment of hesitation.

He leaned forward, studying me closely. I watched as he brought his hand up to the table. He laid his palm out, a clear sign of him wanting me to take his hand. I felt terrible. He was always so understanding about my hangups.

I lifted my hand and rested it in his open palm. He closed his fingers around mine and gave them a gentle squeeze,

"I know there are still things that scare you. Things you don't want to tell me for fear I'll...run away. I know you're thinking that this one thing is going to send him packing. But it's not. Elizabeth-" He stopped, gathering his thoughts for a moment before he continued, "I've never fel-"

"Stop." I interrupted.

He froze, his eyes locked on mine as he tried to figure out what I was thinking,

"Why?" He asked softly.

"Because. We agreed it was better if we let this go when the vacation ended. That's happening in less than a week."

"Yeah, I know."

"You shouldn't be making any big declarations to me about your feelings."

He looked pained. And a little sorrowful,


"I mean it Harry." I took my hand out of his as I sat back. Tears were stinging the back of my eyes. But I held on. There was no way in hell I was going to cry right now. It would only alert him to the fact that I was emotional about this situation. And I couldn't let him see that.

He stared back at me. I couldn't tell if he was wounded or angry. Probably a little of both since once again I'd sent us careening back three steps.

He nodded once,

"Alright, Elizabeth. I'll do it your way." Was all he said before the waiter arrived with our food.

I wanted to blurt out that he was further inside my head and heart than any other man ever had been. I wanted to scream out to the world that I was in love with him. I wanted him to know that he'd done the job, he'd cracked me in two and stitched me back up with him inside.

I knew on these islands, far away from the world, we would survive. Our perfect little world would flourish. But outside in the real world we were doomed. Between social media destroying us for our age difference to media outlets losing their minds to his fans having a complete meltdown...we would be torn apart before we even started.

Not to mention he was young. So young. The last thing he needed was some 35 year old lady dragging him home at night to watch old reruns of Friends.

One for the Ages // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now