"No, baby, they didn't. Don't worry about me. I'll talk to her parents and keep them-"

"She doesn't have parents. I need to go," I said. I grabbed the fabric and with my boys behind me I started running in the directions of the scent. This b!tch better watch out because once I get hold of him, he's dead.


Peyton's p.o.v

"Ugh..." I groaned. My head hurt like hell. As I sat up I realized I had chains connected to my arms. I tried pulling them but it was no use, they wouldn't move. My head was killing me and I felt sore all over. Where the hell am I? I looked around and saw that I was in some type of jail. It looked really creepy and I couldn't shake away the feeling that I was being watched. I looked around but it was too dark to see any figures. I was so tired so I decided to lay back down but once I did bright lights turned on and a tall figure walked towards me.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you," the man said quietly as he set a plate of food in front of me. Once I saw the food I noticed how hungry I was. Heavy footsteps were heard and I got scared.

"Well, well, well. Sleeping beauty is finally awake," the creepy guy from the beach said. I cowered away from him and he just laughed. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He grabbed my jaw and made me look at him. He smiled curtly at me and I felt sick. He creeped me out a lot and I just didn't have a good feeling about this situation. I hoped Max would come find me soon. The man that gave me my food watched in the background with a concerned look on his face. It looked like he wanted to help me but couldn't go against his Alpha.

"So let's play a game to get to know each other, shall we?" the creep asked and I just stared at him. He seemed to not like that and slapped me so hard that I felt blood in my mouth. "Answer me!" I didn't answer him so he kicked me in my gut.

"Yes!" I screamed and he smiled at me.

"Good girl," he said and sat in front of me. "So the game is called twenty questions. I'm sure you've heard of it but I've changed up the rules for you. Here's how it goes. I ask you five questions in a row and you answer them. If you lie or don't answer me you get...how should I say this? In simple terms you get hurt. After my five questions you get one and I have to answer it. Got that?" I nodded and he seemed happy that I did that.

"Question one, what do you know about your precious mate?" he asked me.

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