"Oh shit, sorry" A voice called out.

I get up from the ground and brush the dirt from my clothes before I retrieve the books.

"Its fine" I look up and come face to face with a boy I didn't recognize.

"Uh sorry again, I was in sort of a rush to get out of there" he said in the midst of putting on a pair of shoes.

"Sheila stills makes people take off their shoes?" I asked while laughing.

"Yeah she does, it's really weird" he replied.

I walked up the steps that lead to the front door and placed the  books down on the ground.

"So you're friends with my sister karen?" I walked back down the steps.

"I wouldn't say friends"

Before I could say anything the door flung open for the second time but now it revealed my half sister karen.

"Lip where are you going" she shrieked.

"Lip" I questioned.

"Its Philip Gallagher, but everyone calls me lip" he took a few steps away from the front porch.

"Lip where are you going?" Karen asked a second time obviously getting impatient.

"Uhh, I'm going to get coffee with-" he lied.

"Y/N" I finished off his sentence.

"Fine then!" karen stormed inside with a sour look.

I started to make my way up the sidewalk but lip called out.

"Wanna get that coffee?"

I look at him puzzled.

"I thought you were joking'

"I was but now I'm not" he falls into step beside me.


Mickey Milkovich-
I was outside kash and Grab taking a drag of my cigarette waiting for Ian to finish work, when I spotted a boy that I recognized to be mikey Milkovich and behind him were his two brothers. They were indeed walking towards the store.

I panicked and ran inside and tried to warn ian but the brothers must have sensed hostility because not 2 minutes after I entered they came bursting into the store.

Being Ian's twin my protective side kicked into gear and I stepped in the path of the three boys blocking them from chasing Ian out the back. I did what I do best and that was stalling.

"What is your problem?" A hint of anger evidently in my voice.

"Ian Gallagher is my problem" he stated whilst stepping forward.

"you don't scare me"

"Tough one isn't she" he chuckled.

I glanced towards the door Ian ran through, which led to the storage room. There was no back door, nor was there any windows and that meant if the brothers got into that room there would be no hope for ian.

"He's not here" I shuffled away from the door.

"Oh I beg to differ" he looked around. "Iannn.. ian Gallagher.."

"Piss off you psycho prick! He's not here" I yelled.

Everything went silent.

A few seconds passed and no one said anything.

Shocked by my sudden outburst mikey took a small step back.

Just as he was about to say something the storage room door opened and I hear Ian's voice call out.

"Y-Y/N are they gone?"

"IAN!" The brothers ran towards the storage room but mikey turned to face me again.

"Y/N huh?"

Before I could answer I saw Ian slam the door closed before the brothers could enter. Ian must of knocked over something in the storage room because there was a loud bang.

"Hey idiots, there's a back door to the alley way" I shouted over the commotion.

The brothers ran past me, mickey shooting me a short glance.

Once they left I locked the front door.

"Ian they're gone" 

Ian walked out with a grim look on his face.

"They're going to kill me aren't they Y/N?"


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