The Doll

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My daughter alice always wanted a doll but they just freaked me out on her 5th birthday I promised her I would get her a doll so we went to the antique store. their was so many dolls but of course my alice choose this creepy doll holding up 2 fingers. She said he was holding up the peace sign. When we were buying it the lady pulled me to the side and said "when ur daughter is playing with this doll never leave her alone". I thought this lady was crazy but when we got home just in case I  stayed with Alice all day. Around 6:00 all her friends started arriving  for her party. I took alice upstairs to get changed then i realized her dress was in my room I told her to wait here and I went to get her dress when I returned alice was covered in blood I immediatly took her into the shower to rinse her off  all the blood disapperead she didnt even have a scratch I tought that was weird I took her back to her room and found the doll on her bed. I ignored it and after she got changed we went downstairs the party went well finally they all left and I told alice it was time for bed. She could open her presents tommorow. We went to slepp and in the morning i called her downstairs but she didnt come so I went to check on her. When I got to her door I screamed There she lay on her bed with her stomach cut open and a note that said '3" and right beside her was that stupid doll now with 3 fingers up.


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