getting new friends.

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Sindey:s pov:

I was on my usual walking path when I heard a truck. Looked at the road and ther was a huge truck and a new car I have never seen before. 'Well we are getting new nieghbors' "lets check it out" I say to my self. I walked next door and saw a beautiful lady standing at the truck giving oders for the workers to put every thing in place. I walked up to her. "Hi, wellkom to the neighburhood. I am Sindey." I said. She gave me a big smile and said " thank you. It is wonderful too meet you I am Elsa, Elsa Arendelle. How old are you?" then "I am 14 years old I have a brother and he is 22 years old." Elsa smiled and shouted " Richart come out please?" then I heard another voice "coming" after like a minute a boy like my age came out of the house. "Jes, Els wa...t, oh hi my names Richart" he said and greeted me. "Hi, my names Sindey and I'm 14years old." he smiled at me and I returned it. "Would you mind showing me around" He asked shyly. "of corss" I replide.

We walked around. For hours.

Jack's pov :

I was on my way to stack hay. When I suddenly heard my sister calling."JACK,Jack we have new neighbors. Can we invite them for dinner? Please...please🐶" She pleaded until I gave up." ok fine. Invite them over. I'm making your favourite, chicken ala king,"
She sqeuled and huged me. She looks so happy. "Ok, go invite them other ways I will change my mind." With that she ran out and go to the neighbors. I began to prepear the meal and was singing my favourite song, Beautiful now by true colour, I was about to sing my favourite part when I was interupted by the door opening. It was my sister and she was smilling at me and just singing the rest of the song. I was almost done with the prepering and was going to the door to go outside but my sister bite me to it. "I will go, wat do you want?" she asked and smiled. "I want a binch of peperduse please". "Coming right up" she selouted and walked out to get some in the garden.

I was on my way to the garden when Elsa yelled my name I ran to her and "what is it?" I asked. She looked nervous. "I don't now wat to wear for tonight." I smiled and said "I will help you don't worry, I just want to give my brother the peperduse,ok". "Ok" with that I ran to the garden took some peperduse and in the house. "Hier's you peperduse as recwested" "thank's sis" I ran out the house and to Elsa's. "I'm back, where are you?" she poped out of her room and draged me in. " Ok, here are my close, help me please." I looked at her close and took out a crop top with a snowflake on and jeans. I got out and waited for her to change. She got out and she looked beautiful. "You look stunning" she smiled and said "thank's". I was going to go out but she stoped me " Can you come with me and introduce me ,please." I nodded then she yelled. "Richard, are you ready to go?" I then heard "Yes, sis I'm coming." we where on our way to our house.

Hi, please vote and comment on what ever you want, please. Good bae. Love you all.

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