one hour until the annual purge

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{ james }

the raven haired guy, hovering on his height of six feet three, was leaning over the opened hood of one of the cars that was in his uncles workshop. he was holding a screwdriver in one of his hands, trying to get a screw to open with the other one. he sighed.

"i can't get this fucking thing to work." james yelled to the back of the shop where his uncle was in his office, which was built into the huge hall.

he groaned, letting the screwdriver fall into the tool box, before he leaned over the opened hood again, and tried his luck one more time to unscrew the old rusted screw.

"james, go home to your siblings, there's only one hour until lockdown, boy."

all of a sudden his uncles voice made him jump, hitting the back of his head on the inside of the opened hood.

"fucking shi—" he started off, stopping his sentence, as he knew his uncle hated swearing. he rubbed the back of his head, after he wiped the old oil from his hands off on his working jeans.

"i'll act as if i didn't just hear this." his uncle jeff said, shaking his head at his nephew. "have you got everything under control at home? with the safety and such.." he continued, giving the younger one a worrying look.

james knew that his uncle only wanted him and his brothers and sister to be safe, but he could be a little suffocating at times.

"i—actually, i meant to ask you if you could take them tonight? i mean you and aunt patty are going to stay home, right? and it's just for twelve hours. i'll get them at seven-ish tomorrow." he asked, looking feelingly at his uncle. he knew that his uncle probably could see through everything that suspect that james would be purging as well tonight.

"you know that i don't want you out there on this night. and your parents wouldn't want that either." jeff said, furrowing his thick brows.

"i know.." james let out a breath. "it's just that.. it's better if they're safe. i have done some stuff in the past year and interfered with people, and i'm not completely sure if they will be safe at home." he added quickly, hoping that this semi-confession would be bought by his uncle.

it wasn't completely wrong, but james made mends with those people, and has them on his side now, of at least afraid of him. the nineteen year old wasn't one to joke with.

"fine. but you pick them up at seven thirty, sharp." the last bit of the sentence was yelled, as james was already running towards his car, his smile wide, as he started it and drove, as fast as he could, towards his apartment.

{ riley }

"he should have already been home." riley mumbled as she looked out of the window. her mother was in the room with her, and had her eyes on her phone. her father was not home from work yet, which worried riley, as the purge was due to begin in an hour, and they needed to set up the security system. the blonde was starting to get worried.

her mother, who has had multiple sclerosis for a few years already, which causes her to be only mobile on crutches or in a wheel chair, was trying to phone rileys father for about the tenth time already. he didn't pick up.

"maybe he's just held up at work." her mother said, trying to calm her daughter down, who was already pacing up and down in the room.

"not today, mom, they wouldn't let him stay late on purge night. nuh-huh." she shook her head. "i have to go look for him." she mumbled. but her mother caught up on it.

"purgers, suit up." a purge!jiley storyWhere stories live. Discover now