Chapter 2

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Georgina expected her second year of high school in Quintin Academy to be much like the first. She was ignored by the other students due to her lack of social class. It was something she didn't mind in the least, preferring to loose herself in another fantasy novel. She took a seat in her usual library table and opened her book but before she could read the first sentence a voice caught her attention. This voice was different from any she had heard before, it held a slight but noticeable accent, French she guessed. Turning around she saw a blond male speaking to the librarian at the main desk.

"Pardon me but I am new here and was wondering if you could help me find the books on this list?"

"Of course. I will write down exactly where you can find them." The librarian smiled at him.

As she entered the book titles into her computer he turned towards Georgina. When his eyes met hers she quickly turned around embarrassed. Her cheeks flushed red, she had been caught starring but continued to eavesdrop on his conversation.

"Here you go. If you need any further help feel free to ask any of the students here or come back to me." 

"Merci beaucoup."

"Ah your French, I see now. I couldn't quite place your accent."

"Oui, I'm a transfer student. My parents are looking to expand their hotel chain to the states. If all goes well we might stay."

"Well I hope you enjoy your stay here at Quintin Academy you fit in well."

"Merci." Georgina could feel him approaching. The energy around him was hard for her to miss as he took a seat in the opposite corner of the study tables. She had a good view of him from where she sat. She noticed how the suns rays penetrated the windows and landed on him giving him an angelic glow. For a second time he caught Georgina starring but he simply smiled at her. Not knowing what else to do but to panic she quickly got up and hid in the rows of books. Her heart felt as if she had just run a marathon, she tried to slow down her heartbeat and to control the burning in her face. He smiled at me, she thought. He didn't glare or look at me in disgust, he must not know who I am. He is obviously a blue blood like the rest of them. But why do I feel this way? 

Hearing footsteps approaching she pretended to browse through the books and randomly picked one. Opening a random page she pretended to read, the words making no sense to her. 

"Excuse me but could you help me find this book?" Oh no, she panicked. Her heart began to pick up speed again and she could feel herself begin to sweat.

"Sure what is the number?" She asked unable to look at him. Once he told her the number she searched for it only to find a gap from the book she had randomly selected. Sure enough she checked the spine of the book in her hands and the numbers matched up perfectly. "Here!" She extended the book to him with both hands still unable to look at him.

"Merci, I see that you are also into French literature." How she wished a black hole would open up beneath her feet and swallow her whole. No wonder the words didn't make sense to her, they were in French! Not being able to sustain anymore embarrassment Georgina excused herself.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." She said, almost running past him. She made her way back to her table and quickly began to pack. Her hands trembled and she couldn't seem to get her books into her backpack. It was like trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

"My apologies if I said something to offend you, it was not my intention."  He was right behind her watching her trying pack in a furry. Georgina felt claustrophobic suddenly, having him so close to her speaking to her, she felt faint.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2012 ⏰

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