The Hunter - Chapter Nine

Start from the beginning

"I guess it's a good thing they're sleeping than."

"What do you want this late at night?"

"Would you like to go for a flit?"

"A flit?"

"Yes, a run," he said.

"I know what flitting is."

"Then let's go," he said as he leapt from my window sill.

I watched as he quietly landed on the hard ground below. I climbed back into my room and put on my shoes.

"Are you coming?"

I didn't answer. I just hoped out the window and landed next to him.


"I know. Where are we going?"

"I'm not sure."

"What?" I asked

"Just hold onto my neck."

"Um, okay."

I wrapped my arms around my neck as he began to run. The breath was knocked from my lungs and the clip in my hair was flew out.

"Hold on!"

"Why?" I shouted as he launched us upwards.

"I'm climbing." He laughed.

"Oh god!"

"You all right?"

"I hate heights!" I yelled at him.

I watched as he dug his fingers into the sides of the steep, rocky cliff heading straight up.

"You're climbing a mountain?" I asked.

"It's an amazing view up there," he replied.

"If you say so."

Once we reached the top he slowly lowered me to the ground. I stumbled a few feet into a tree. I held onto it breathing in slowly trying not to throw up. My stomach felt like it was going to all come back up. The world spun but Blake was right; the view was amazing.

"How do you feel?" he asked, rubbing my back.


"That's normal. Just try to breath."

"I'm trying. It is beautiful up here."

I turned my head a bit and watched Blake standing near me. His nostrils flared and his eyes grew large. I knew that look. He was hungry.

"What do you smell?" I asked.

"You," he replied.


"I'm not going to eat or bite you."

"Well that's good."

"I don't kill humans or turn them into..." His voice trailed off.

"Into what?"

"Soulless monsters."

"You're not a soulless monster."

"I survive on human blood. So, yes I'm a monster."

"You don't kill people though."

"Not anymore."

"You're not a monster."

He sat, dangling his feet over the edge of the cliff. Leaning back on his elbows he stared out over the valley. Our town lay beneath. The lights of the houses doting area like distant fireflies. Tall pine trees and a long, winding river surrounded the town almost protecting it. The entire place was so isolated and magical.

"This place is a sanctuary for creatures like us, Alyssa."

"Like us?"

"Whether you like it or not you're one of us. You're not normal. You're immortal, you have insane fighting skills, and you eliminate monsters. You're not a normal person, even if you look like one," he said.

Blake locked eyes with me. Slowly he leaned in toward me. Abruptly, yet gently, he rested his cold cheek against the hollow of my throat. I was frozen in place. I wished I could feel his heart beating, but instead listened to his ragged breathing.

Slowly he reached up to the side of my face and slid his hands down the sides of my neck. I couldn't help but shiver, his breath hitched at the feeling of my body move under his touch. His hands never stopped. They moved to my shoulders, down my arms, and to my waist. His nose lightly skimmed my jawbone moving down to my collarbone. I could hear him inhale deeply as he drunk in my smell. His lips brushed against the tops of my breasts and slowly moved up to my own lips.

"Your heart is beating faster," he said quietly.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I can feel it. I can smell it."


"It's late again. I should take you back home."

"Okay," I replied absently.

"Wrap your arms around my neck."

I nodded and obeyed.


I trudged into school the next day. Not thrilled to be there. I sat the long lunch table, Chloe and Daniela rambling on about the upcoming winter formal. Heradas and Derek sat a few seats down mumbling to themselves like usual, only this time they kept staring at me. They knew something was wrong or my imagination was getting the best of me.

"What's wrong?" Chloe asked.


"You're zoning. What's going on with you?" she asked again.

"Just tired," I mumbled, pushing the meatloaf surprise that the lunch ladies slopped onto my tray for lunch around.


I looked up into Blake's somber face. He sat across from me with the same thing. Everyone at the table stopped talking and just stared. It was the first time Blake had sat with us.

"Hey," I said back.

"Hi, Blake." Chloe said, scooting down near us. "What's going on?"

"Do you guys mind if I steal Alyssa?"

"Let's go," I said getting up, leaving my food behind. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. You just looked like you need to be rescued." He smiled.

"I did." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.


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