Sorcery and Snow storms (Part 2)

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Since we arrived to King's Landing, we had to keep a low profile. If somebody had recognize Arya, we would had been screwed. On our way to King's landing in the ship, we had decided to go find Arya's family. We weren't sure where they would be, or if they were already dead, but we had to try at least.

After thinking our limited options how to get closer to Winterfell, in our opinion going on foot or at the back of a carriage, would cause least attention. We started to get thru crowd in King's landing, which was hard since there was so many people buying and selling food and fabrics. We bought some bread and lemon cakes. I had never tried them, but Arya told me that they were delicious and they were her sister's, Sansa's, favourite dessert. After eating in some secluded back alley, we searched the right path towards North.

We didn't get far, before night and darkness came, and made us to find safe place to rest. After a while, we found a good spot from the little forest, where we could see early enough if somebody would approach us. We put our stuff next to trees. I started to look for blankets, and Arya started to look for wood to put in campfire. I found the blankets easily, since we traveled lightly. Arya started to light the fire, and I saw that she struggled a little, and since I knew that she was tired, I waved my hand slightly and said "Ignis" , and woods just lit up brightly, and Arya jumped aback frightened. She glared me in disapproval, and I smiled back regretful. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-", I started to say but Arya cut me off. " It's okay, I didn't get hurt", and smiled at me. I smiled back, and we sat down, around fire. It was starting to get cold, and I tightened my blanket and fur around me.

"So, tell me more about your family", I said. She never told me almost anything about them. I only knew that she had four brothers, and one of them were a bastard, and she had one sister, Sansa. She also told me that her father, mother and oldest brother were dead.

"I mean, if you'd like. I don't meant to push or anything, I would love to hear more about them", I continued. She stared me for few seconds, and then looked back at the flames. She said nothing for minutes, and I thought that she wouldn't tell me, until she started to speak.

"My youngest brother, Rickon was only six years old when I last saw him. He is sweet and he laughs a lot.", she said, smiling sadly, and continues." My second youngest brother is Bran. He was 10 years old. We always played together, and competed. He is smart and he used to climb in our towers, until one day he dropped. His legs got paralyzed". She stopped there and sighted. The she continued. "Then there is me. After me comes my older sister, Sansa. She got married with Joffrey Baratheon, but the betrothal got demolished, I think. She and I didn't really get along, because I am interested in fighting and stuff like that, but she is into dresses and needleworks. I thought that I hated her, but I didn't. Not really". She stopped again for a while.

"Then there is Jon. Oh, I miss him so badly. He is caring, and he gets me. He doesn't tell me to do girly things, but he lets me be me. Mom and Sansa doesn't really like him because he is a bastard, but to me, he is just as much a brother than every other brother. He went to the Night's watch to keep us all save. Before he left, he gave me the Needle", she said proudly and wistful. "Lastly, there is my oldest brother, Robb. He was the King in north, but Walder Frey murdered him and my mother. And for that, I am going to take vengeance to him, on our way". I looked up to her, and nodded. I wasn't going to stop her. It was her list, and I thought that it was justified thing to do.

"Your family sounds nice. I wish that I had too", I said sadly. "I am your family", she said, " and beside, it is very possible that you still have some family. I hope that your memories will come back soon", she continued. "Yeah..Maybe". But deep inside in me, I knew that there wasn't anyone. They would have looked for me when I got missing, right?

We talked for awhile until we decided to go to sleep. Just before I got asleep, a thought came in my mind. "Arya, hey", I tried if she wasn't already asleep. "What now?", she answered in annoyed tone. I ignored it and asked "What if they aren't in Winterfell? What do we do then?". She didn't say anything for a while and then said "Then we go to the Wall. Jon is there, I'm sure he will help". "Oh, okay", I said. "Now get some sleep, we'll continue to walk early in the morning", she commanded. 

(A/N) Second part :) I think that Jon will come in next part or at least in fourth. -Hyena

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