Chapter One

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Wednesday 10th December 1984 (PAST)

That night the first thing that I remember. I was lying down staring up at the towering tree's that seemed to be huddling together trapping the moon light and keeping it for themselves and not allowing any for me so I was left in the complete and utter freezing darkness unable to see.

I stayed down for a few seconds just to listen to the sounds around me. I heard the call of the nocturnal predators who have just found their pray, and the squeal of the hunted running from their hunters.

As I listened something in my chest started going faster and louder, I felt something that made me want to curl up in to a tight ball and shut everything out. Fear. I got up and looked around desperately trying to find some sort of light, when I came across a parting in the trees I stumbled towards the moon light falling over the tree roots on my way.

My bare knees hurt and they were wet and sticky but I carried on, ignoring the sharp stinging, until I was right in front of the opening with light pouring on to my face. I just stood there blinking for a while as my eyes adjusted to the change of colour.

I walked forward into the silvery night and the first thing I noticed was that my bare foot sank down in to the ground and was freezing cold and wet up to my ankle. I looked down puzzled and thought curiously 'what's this white stuff' I was about to carry on walking when a mysterious but kind and motherly voice answered 'snow'

I wasn't scared of the voice instead I was comforted and a little less scared knowing she was looking over me even though I didn't know who she was and I smiled a little because the voice sounded as if it was happy and was smiling.

The snow was covering the ground and the tops of the trees as if to warm them and to shield them from the cold. I looked up and saw things glowing in the sky 'what are they' I asked the voice who who chuckled in a kind way then replied 'the stars' I carried on looking up admiring the way the moon and stars illuminated the falling flakes making them sparkle and shine.

I carried on walking until I saw something red in the corner of my eye, I turned to get a better look at it, then asked 'what's that' I pointed at the trail, the voice hesitated before saying 'blood' I started following the trail of blood when something stopped me dead in my tracks, big and small things were scattered in front of me.

The voice gasped 'what did they get there unless Rido no there's no reason for him to do this unless no' I walked forward 'what are they' I asked and this time when the voice spoke it wasn't happy any more it sounded angry, scared and worried 'dead human bodies' the smell was burning my nose and making me want to puke.

I saw something move in the corner of my eye it scared me so I turned to run but some one stood in front of me smiling, blood dripping from it mouth and that made me realize that this man was the monster who had killed all of these people. I looked In to his eyes and saw happiness and joy the monster had enjoyed what it had done.

My breath quickened and I started to back away but he started to walk towards me the voice was practically shouting when she said 'run' so I turned and started to run but the monster appeared in front of me before I got far.


Thanks for reading vote and comment if you like it thanks and ill update as soon as i can :D


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