Chappie 2. :))

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Emma's PoV (not edited)

Well. That is not so Awesome. Actually. I'm scared. I still wore my Dress. Rup and Dan following my tail and we are searching if anyone or anybody sees us. We don't want to have an enemy here. They are powerful. We also know spells but, we don't have a wand. But,

"Do you guys have a wand?" i asked them two.

"Em, Is it obvious? Of course not. You think it will work?" Rup said sarcastically.

"Em's got a point Rup. I got it somewhere... HERE!" said Daniel. He's holding a bag. Sticking out 3 wands. This is actually our true wand. Not Hermione's, Not Ron's or even Harry's. Remember what Ollivander said. "It is the wand who choose it's master".

"Do you have Harry,Ron and Hermione's wand? I asked. I did a Mental Note that asked him privately where did he get the bag that is actually my bag (Hermione's bag with extend charm).

"Yeah, It's here too." he replied and exactly, we reached Hagrid's hut.

"Who Are You?" I heard someone say in our back. Uh-Oh. Someone spotted us. What are we going to do?

Daniel's PoV

"Who Are You?"  we heard someone say in our backs. I didn't notice that. Thankfully, we weared our masks. I got a black and white. Emma got a red and gold. (colors of Grryfindor) and Rupert got black with a bits of blue. Btw, I found a bundle of masks in Hermione's bag. I found the bag next to the note I was reading earlier. I check it out a while ago and discovered we had all our things here except for gadgets. I didn't bother anyway because, gadgets do not work at Hogwarts. Enough of that. We slowly but surely turned our backs and found out who is it.

Neville Longbottom.

3 words. WE. ARE. SCREWED.

Neville's PoV

I am just wondering outside the castle and to the direction where Hagrid's hut is located. I found the place in a matter of minutes. I examine it. Taking a good look with my wand raised in case any Death Eaters are here. Fortunately No One is here. And then, I heard a rustling sound. I hid with my wand up and saw, Three figures walking to the castle. Two men. And a woman. The one man is wearing black and white mask (Daniel) the other one is wearing black with a tiny shade of blue (Rupert) and the lady who is wearing a white dress wear a red and gold mask. The colors of Gryffindor. Slowly, I walk behind them and said with a determined voice, "Who Are You?" They turned around slowly. I cast a spell towards them that tied them with a rope. I used the levitating charm to walk them in to the castle. I will stay them in the dungeons. Until Harry is quite relax. I don't want to know them. There is a part of me that says. "Untie them when Harry and his co. is ready". And that will surely be my plan. I don't know if they are threat or a Death Eater. But, no one can change my plan.

Rupert's PoV

My head hurts. It so cold here. My stomach rumbles.

"Em, Dan? You okay?" i shouted.

I heared a couple of deep breaths between them. Before saying "Fine" and "Okay".

We are tied. But we can see our surroundings. We are locked up in one of the classrooms in the dungeons. That's why I am cold.

"Daniel, is there something we can eat there?" I pointed the bag he discovered. He immediately search and found there is. Treacle tarts. Yum. Thank Goodness this bag got some food. I really am hungry. How long did we stay here? A couple of days. Maybe that Neville put us in some Sleeping Draught. Thankfully he did not removed our masks. He will sort of. Freak Out. I imagined him saying that we are imposters.

"How are we going to explain them that we are not a threat? Not a death eater?" I asked them.

They immediately stopped eating.

Even me, ARE THEY GOING TO DO THE DEMENTOR'S KISS? Omygod. We need your help right now.

- Ff -

We spent days in the dungeon. Thanks God the bag provides food. We don't know what will going to happen. But we need to get outta here.

No One's PoV (Author)

Neville locked the classroom for a week. He seems always anxious. Luna, however, noticed it.

"What's bothering you Neville?" she asked.

"Nothing Luna. Let's go to Harry?" Neville asked. It is the time he will tell them what he discovered.

"Sure. I want to see Ginny anyways" Luna replied.

Together, they walked in the Great Hall where Professor Mcgonagall, and everyone stayed.

The train got delayed so everybody is prepared to leave. Together with their loved ones who didn't make it to the battle. They reached the Great Hall and Neville said:

"May I ask for, Professor Mcgonagall, Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron for a private meeting please?"

The people who is mentioned turned to Neville and asked. "What is this all about?"

"Later" Neville gestured to the curios looks the people gave.

"Let's go at my office" said Professor Mcgonagall. Everyone followed her and they reached her office. The password is "victory".

"What is it Neville?" asked Luna. After they had seated.

"I will tell you something. I think it is the time. You are all calm." said Neville.

"Last week, when I came to check Hagrid's hut if any Death Eaters managed to escape, I saw Three Persons going to the castle".

"Who is it? Death Eater?" Ginny asked nervously.

"No. They got masks in their faces. 2 boys and a girl. I sneaked in to their backs and asked if who are they. They didn't managed to answer because I hit them with the spell who can tie ropes and levitate them in one of the classrooms in the dungeons" stated Neville.

"So, are they still in that classroom?" Professor Mcgonagall asked.

"Yes. I feed them Sleeping Draught. I didn't want to be unfair so let's see who are they?"

A chorus of "Of course" And "Sure" was said. So it's finally decided, They will see who these three is.


A) Not long enough! I dedicate this to A.P. ^^ Hello. :))

Vomment. Fan. ♥ Hope you enjoy.

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