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~~~~~~~"Open my next present Lydia!" my older brother Sean said as he bounced around in place like a toddler. I just loved Christmas! I grabbed the small box Sean handed to me and began tearing off the striped paper. I lifted the lid and tried to decipher the tiny print on 2 rectanglular pieces of paper.


JANUARY 7TH, 2014 And to think that reading this tiny slip of paper could make so many thoughts run into my head. Oh my gosh! Why can't it be sooner? I love One Direction! I love you Sean!

"Oh my gosh! Oh my goodness! OMG! Thank you so so so so so so much! I love you Sean!

"You're welcome, but guess what Lyds?" Lyds has been Sean's pet name for me since I was born.

" What?"

" Look at the lid of the box!" I picked up the lid from where I'd strewn it in all of my excitement. And sure enough, neatly taped to the lid was a backstage pass.

"SEAN! How did you get this? It must of cost you tons!"

"No shit Sherlock! I expect that you got me something equally amazing?" Uhhhhhh...my stomach churned at the thought of giving him a batman t-shirt after that.

"Well, I don't know how amazing a batman shirt is in your book but I will love you forever!" I said with a cheesy grin. Sean groaned with exaggeration.

"And I'll love you too...Batman is pretty sweet though!" His excitement suddenly couldn't contain him and he grabbed the gift, messily ripping of the wrapping paper that was neatly folded over it. He really was 25 going on 7.

"NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BATTTTTMAAANN!" he screamed, stretching out the word. His Harry Potter shirt then went to the floor, as his new batman one slipped over him. It was times like these that I didn't mind not having parents. Sean was all I needed.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please give me advice! Love all of ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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