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Alex: Hey Mrs. Rooney. It's been a while huh. I heard about Liv and Maddie. You know after you guys were able to come back from California.

Pete: Wait how did you know about that?

* Interview mode*

Alex: I learned from liv's snapchat. She has some type of addiction to that thing.

*  Back to story*

Susan: Come in Alex

* Diggie runs up and pins Alex on the wall*

Alex: Woah! What kind of warm welcome is this?! You guys really need to change your mat outside.

Diggie: You don't deserve to see her!

Alex: What see maddie?

Diggie: You left her behind and she was heart broken!

Alex: Ohhhh. Look who's talking, mister "Leave to Australia man"

* Interview mode*

Alex: If you haven't figured it out yet, me and maddie used to date.I was her first " gay love" But I felt like she was too good for me and I left knowing that I would hurt her. It's so hard to move on though.

* Back to story*

Diggie: why I auta.

Alex: Let's go then.


* Diggie puts alex on the floor*

Alex: I have to go to the bathroom. It's been a long day. Where is the bathroom again?

Susan: Upstairs to the left.

Alex: Thanks * Stares down diggie*

*doorbell rings*

Parker: I'll get it

Liv and Maddie: Hey family

Susan: Oh my gosh my babies

Liv: It's so nice to see you guys again

Maddie: DIGGIE!

* Diggie and Maddie kiss as Alex comes downstairs*

Alex: Liv, Maddie.

*Liv and Maddie turn around and sees Alex*


* Alex hugs Liv and looks at Maddie*

Alex: Hey Maddie.

Maddie: Hey Alex.

Alex: How are you?

Maddie: I'm just great

* Interview*

Maddie: When I saw Alex all pf a sudden my feelings, my cares, and my heartbreaks all came back to me at once. No one made me feel as special as Alex did. Not even diggie.

 * Back to story*

Alex: I heard that you guys are going to New York. Well, I'm going there and then to Portland and back so, see you at New York.

* Interview* 

Maddie: Great now I have feelings for my ex and my boyfriend. What am I gonna do?!

Girl meets Liv and Maddie Whenver (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now