The Shadow King Takes A Queen ~A Kyoya Ootori Oneshot~

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There she sits, smiling, laughing. I am not the one causing this, its...him. That blonde idiot Tamaki. How does he always end up with the best girls at this academy. Oh yeah...he is the "king".  Anyways, allow me to get some things straight. My name is Kyoya Ootori, yes THE Kyoya Ootori. I know I may seem like I only care about these girls as customers...and in a way that is true. Not when it comes to Karina though... 

She is looking at me...oh no. I immediately look down, busy myself with scribbling something on the paper before me. When she looks away, I stare at the back of Tamaki's head. The anger and jealousy bubbles up inside of me, and before I know it I have thrown the pen in my hand at him.

"Kyoya what was that for?" He asks, and I walk over, pick up the pen and smile gently.

"My apologies Tamaki. My hand slipped." I say as I walk back to my corner. The doubt had been blowing off of her in waves. She knew I was lying, however I covered it up easily. I didn't stop watching them until she left, and then everything was back to normal. For now at least.

I glance boredly around the hallway of the school as I begin to walk out to the awaiting car.

"Senpai?" Her voice startles me and I turn to see...her. Karina.

"Hello Karina." I say, keeping up my normal ruse around her. "Did you need something?" She nods.

"Did your hand really slip? Or did you...throw it at him?" I blink and adjust my glasses.

"My hand slipped of course."

"Really, because you were all the way across the room..." With that, I felt my face got hot. 

"I...I...I..." I stutter, but soon regain my cool. "I tripped, and the pen flew out of my hand."

She smirks "You know Senpai. The only reason I request Tamaki all the time is because you dont host..." She said and thats when I knew I would say it. 

"Karina...I need to tell you something. I, I am jealous of the blonde idiot! He gets to see you, and talk to you all the time. Im jealous because...Crap. Because I love you!" I let out a sigh, and thats when  she walked towards me. 

"I love you too Kyoya Senpai" She smiled, and I lean down, kissing her. She tensed at first, but then she melted into me. If the host club had found out...I could imagine what they would say.

So...The shadow King finally took a queen....

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