He pressed a kiss to the back of my shoulder as he held up a brochure he'd found when we stepped on the boat. Both of us reading through it and pointing out things we'd like to do or see while we were there. Seems Majorca was quite the little mecca of art and architecture. Two things I wasn't normally interested in but seeing how they lit him up made me more excited.

He turned his mouth into my ear,

"And don't worry, I got you your own room." I stopped, turning around to look at him.

To say I was shocked would be putting it lightly. Since I'd finally gotten out of my own way, we'd spent every moment together, the thought of sleeping in my own room actually made me nervous.

He shrugged, looking a little shocked himself,

"I didn't want to assume you would-"

"You should assume!" I exclaimed so loudly a few people on the boat deck turned to look at us. I quickly quieted down and focused back on him, "Harry, I don't wanna-"

I was interrupted by the snorting laughter as he shook his head,

"Ah you should see your face." It took me a minute but then I finally understood. He was joking.

I slapped at his shoulder,

"That wasn't funny."

He took a moment to gather himself after his good hearty laugh,

"Oh trust me, it was hilarious, Love." He took a breath, "We have one room. Big bed."

I shook my head, sneering at him as I turned back around,

"You'll enjoy sleeping in it alone then. I'll get my own room when we get there."


"Don't Elizabeth me. That wasn't funny."

He slid his arms around my waist, his hands spreading out on my tummy,

"Alright. I'm sorry." He pressed a kiss to the side of my head, "But it is nice to know the idea of sleeping without you right next to me is as unfathomable to you as it is to me." He whispered softly into my ear. I shuddered a bit as his breath against my ear sent chills down my spine, "Can't wait to get you into that bed. Feel your legs wrapped around me, pushing me further, begging me for more." My stomach tightened into an unforgiving knot as I pressed my thighs together. His hands came dangerously close to the space between my legs before he pulled them back up to my stomach, "Touching you, holding you, kissing you...not about to miss out on that. I'm no idiot." He groaned softly in my ear before pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder, "Forgive me?"

I had already forgiven him even though I hated him for stirring me up like this in public,

"Maybe." I said, elbowing him in the stomach just as the captain blew the horn on the boat and started pushing us away from the pier.

Harry laughed softly,

"Wouldn't have it any other way."


The hotel looked like something out of a movie with all of its stone carvings everywhere. It was also bustling with activity being that it was in the heart of the island. This was quite a difference from the quiet, secluded, calm resort we'd just left.

I stared up at the architecture as Harry pulled me by them.

He shook his head, laughing,

"You comin'?"

I looked back at him and then up at the artwork in front of me,

"Yeah....wow." I whispered as we finally made it through to the lobby.

One for the Ages // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now