II. Snake Man

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So Dr. Light and Dr. Wily sent me to the Snake Habitat at the Mega City Zoo, so I could track down Snake Man. I'm grateful that the City appreciates my help but they didn't have to rename the city after me. As I was walking through the Snake Habitat and saw a giant snake like statue. I walked towards it and it sprung to life and shot me with a small fire ball. I just ducked out of the way and I shot it's head off.

I continued to do this with multiple robots until I reached Snake Man. "Okay Snake Man, stop attacking the city!"

Snake Man just sat there with his legs crossed. He seemed to be in a trance. I walked up to him and shook him. "You okay Snake Man?"

"Gotcha!" He yelled as he shot me with his Search Snake. "Like my little trick? Of course this is kinda like a game isn't it? I'm the boss of the level. And at last, I will be the loser."

"Well. I'll make this quick." I shot him with my Mega Buster and he just stood there and shoot out 3 Search Snakes that climbed down the wall and headed towards me. I just jumped out of the way and Punched him in the face and shot him in the stomach.

Of course I just sat down and stared at him, just waiting for him to jump up. After half an hour I realized that he was down for good. So I grabbed his leg and teleported home.

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