Fourteen years later continued.

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Disclaimer: Still do not own Harry Potter.

A/N: Just felt I needed to finish the fourteen year later part. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 2 of a one-shot :D

Ragnok sat at his desk awaiting his morning cup of tar root tea to be delivered to him. In front of him were the latest editions of the wizard's newspapers and periodicals that had been delivered that morning. His underlings had already read through them and highlighted the articles that would influence the banking and investment world. As he pulled the Daily Prophet toward him, a couple of familiar faces grinned up at him.

"Harry Potter and Hermione Granger," He thought to himself as he remembered the day so many years previous when they sat across from him negotiating the repairs of his bank. He admired the courage the two people had shown in breaking into his bank to do what had to be done to finish off the Dark Lord. He had admired the last one of their party as well until his falsehoods came to light. A warrior never claims victories that aren't his nor does he ever abandon his comrades in desperate times and the red-head part of the trio did both. That he had died a gluttonous death was a fitting end for a coward. The Goblin Leader looked into the green eyes of the man in the picture and saw the eyes of a warrior. One now at peace with the world.

Ragnok quickly read the story about the tell-all book on Albus Dumbledore that promised the readers a front row seat as they got to experience the dark confessions of the long dead Leader of the Light. It said the book would tell the truth of the struggles of Harry Potter from the night Dumbledore had planned the death of an innocent family, to the years of abuse he had suffered because of it. The story claimed the book would tell the world of the struggles of three young teens that final year when they sought to end the darkness that had taken over the country those many years ago. Finally the story mentioned that Harry and Hermione Potter themselves would be signing the books in Flourish and Blotts today with proceeds going to several orphanages. Ragnok looked at the photo once again and studied the young man who was now in his early thirties. It wasn't the first time he had studied his picture. Though the Potters lived a modest life, Ragnok had often received updates on the Potters from the bank he dealt with in the United States especially in regards to their financial worth which had climbed at an astonishing rate in the recent years. Everything Harry Potter did was noteworthy to the Goblin leader.

"It is time," The Goblin Leader said quietly to himself. "Yes, it is definitely time," He looked at an old clock that hung on his wall that had been made by hand a hundred years previous. He knew that Flourish and Blotts would be opening in twenty minutes. He then did something that hadn't happened in over two hundred years. The leader of the Goblins walked out the front door of Gringott's Bank. The Goblin Leader at that time in history was Warnod. He had refused to walk upon the same road as Wizards in protest of their treatment of his people. He proclaimed that no leader of the Goblin nation shall walk that street until the time of great change was near. Ragnok was, of course accompanied by four guards with nasty looking spears, but that was only to be expected. As he stepped out into the morning sunlight he was amazed. There was a line of witches and wizards as far as he could see toward the Leaky Cauldron. Somewhere near there, it had doubled back and more people lined the far side of the streets as well. The line itself started at the door of the soon opening Flourish and Blotts. Ragnok walked briskly down the street not bothering to even make eye contact at the various witches and wizards who were turning and gaping at him. Those few who had been able to stay awake in Professor Binns fourth year history class recognized what the emblem on the goblin's coat meant and knew something was about to happen. As Ragnok neared the front of the line, the witch who was first moved quickly away from the door with her eyes wide in panic.

Ragnok paid no attention the her, even when she gasped loudly as the Goblin withdrew his dagger from the sheath on his belt. Using the hilt of the dagger, the Goblin Leader rapped three times upon the door.

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