How Long Can You Keep A Secret?

Start from the beginning

 “Now, tell me the whole story.” Sam said, as Emily sat next to him with Michelle in her arms. “Well, the night of my birthday, we went to a club and well I had a surprise for Louis-” I started to tell the story but was interrupted by Sam. “You can skip that part” He said not wanting to here about what Louis and I did. “Well the next day I got a call saying Lottie was sick and in hospital, Louis blamed me for ages, and we didn’t speak, just like last time, then when I finally went to see Lottie, he found me with her and went off. I told him not to worry and that I was leaving for good, but Liam blurted out and I had to tell him about the baby” It was Emily’s turn to interrupt me.

 “Ohh omg, I’m so happy, I told you your day would come” Emily blushed over joyed. “Em” Sam gave her a disapproving look, she apologised and I gave her a weak smile. “He apologised, and sung me a song, I forgave him but didn’t take him back. After shooting Same Mistakes, I realised how much I missed him and needed him” Sam the interrupted me again. “Oh yes, I remember that day, I saw the video during editing, was very intense, you guys acted very well, but I guess it wasn’t really acting was it.” He said obviously thinking back to the day. “No it wasn’t and can you stop interrupting me” He gave me an apologetic look and I continued. “I took him back, then today after I had a fight with Sonny, we were talking and the boys took a photo of us together, and now Simon and Mum have seen it” Sam thought for a moment, a tear rolled down my cheek as I thought of what could happen. “Yes, I saw the photo, it was quite cute, I can see why they are upset, but honestly, it doesn’t look like the fans are angry, unless they haven’t realised yet, Leah, I suggest you tell them the truth, lying will only make things worse, I will try to talk to them, but you know how Hayley and Simon lay down the law.” Sam said un sure of if what he said would help. 

I took a deep breath in and out. “I’ll call dad later, maybe he can help. But thank you Sam, I didn’t know who else to turn to, I know I have put you in a very compromising position as the boys manager and all, but I really didn’t know what else to do.” Another tear fell, as Sam and Emily both pulled me into a hug. I hugged them back just as my phone rang. It was Louis. I looked at it, before rejecting it. Sam gave me a disapproving look, “Leah, you can’t hide this from him” He said rubbing my shoulder. “I know but right now I need to call my dad” I said whipping the tears from my eyes. “We’ll give you a minute” Emily said finally speaking again, she, Michelle and Sam walked into the kitchen. I called dad and he picked up right away. {L - Leah , D - dad} 

“Leah” D

“Dad, I’m so sorry, Iv’e messed up” L

“Shh hunny, we need to speak in person, I’ll meet you at our park” D 

Dad hung up with letting me answer. There was a park near my holiday house, when ever I had trouble I went their, and dad always new where to find me and now whenever I’m troubled we go their and talk about it. 

I looked over at Sam and Emily making faces at Michelle, I sighed, I really hope Louis and I can be like that. 

“Guys I’m going to see my dad, thank you for your help.” I blew them a kiss and they waved as I left, getting in my car I drove to the park and found dad in his nice clean suit sitting on the bench.

I laughed a little to myself, I swear he’s like Barney, from How I Met Your Mother. I sat down next to him, a tear rolling down my cheek, he sighed placing his arm around my shoulder and squeezing it. “Dad, I’m so sorry” I choked out as he rubbed my shoulder. “I heard about what happened, with Lottie and your fight with Louis, what made him regret it? And what made you run out that night and get hit? Love you used to tell me everything and I have always been supportive, especially of you and Louis. I love that boy” Dad said laughing at his own joke, I giggled a little, before taking a deep breath. 

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