there are people there

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So I'm getting good amount of reads but I feel half of them are just ignoring this book because they don't believe others can help. They can. Just trust me. There is always people that will be there for you. But they can't if you hide everything. A example is a friend of mine here on Wattpad Little_Finny. They posted a chapter in there book. ( Read there chapter 'past' it shows just because you've had a bad past Dosent mean your future will be that way. There is alwase somebody there to talk to. But they can't if you don't let them help. Just talk to somebody. Trust me it will help a lot. If you can't find somebody to talk to. Then send me a message of any kind on wattpad. Even if its a comment on this book. I WILL respond and talk to you. Thank you for your time. And if your depressed. Please don't keep it bottled up. Talk to someone. If your afraid then just wrote it all down. But if you talk to me I promise you that whatever you say will not be shared talked about or even showed to anybody in any shape way or form.
So please just talk to somebody or even me. 
Like I said I WILL. Even in the middle of the night. So peace and I hop you are happy or getting happier by the days. bye

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