Chapter One

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I never thought it would happen like this.

  The air forcing its way into my lungs, but unable to breathe out. Suffocating. I hate this feeling of my stomach bottoming out.

I knew I shouldn't have gone on that roof.

  The ground getting closer, but it's as if time is slowing down. People going about their day, unknowing of what they'll witness.

I had my whole life ahead of me, how could I be so stupid?

  People start to notice now, I wonder how it looks from their perspective? A girl falling from the sky, seemingly out of no where.

I wanted to be an engineer.

  I close my eyes and wait to hit the pavement. Instead the impact of a car ever so luckily breaks my fall.

I don't want to die.

  The appearance of blinding light causes me to curse under my breath, broken glass lie all around me. Carefully bringing myself off of the cold, wet floor, I look around to see that it's like a void, never ending. I had to squint just to look around. 

Is this purgatory?

The void went pitch black. I feel for a wall, as to guide myself forward, but there isn't one.

"Simulation 11362 has been terminated, please step forward to re-enter society" said a deep voice, making me feel, some how, safe...

  A crack of light seeping through the cracks of the opening door, I instinctively bring my hands to shield my face. I slowly walk closer towards it. Now, with the door fully open, it reveals the most beautiful land I've ever seen.

"Welcome back"  a hand taps my shoulder.

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