The Lawrence Sisters (Supernatural)

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Caitlin Lawrence’s Point Of View:

I sat in the booth of the twenty-four hour roadside diner, I rubbed my hands together as I grinned at the pie in front of me, “Do you really want to eat some roadside pie?” my sister stared at me with an annoyed look.

“Of course, raspberry pie is the best, well, second to the apple pie from-”

“Shhh, stop talking now” she silences me and I rolled my eyes before I started to chow down on the brilliant pie and strawberry milkshake.

“Look at this” Tori shows me an online newspaper for the Hunters of the World, wiping my hands on the napkin I took the electronic tablet from her and looked the article over before I shook my head.

“Nah, that will be having all those legendary hunters going to it like a fly on some cow-”

“We’re in public Caitlin”

“Cow crap…” I rolled my eyes, “Why don’t we go to this one?” I turned the tablet over to her at some old legend with an old woman's house in the middle of the forest with multiple teenagers missing since eighteen twenties - kinda surprised that no ones travelled there yet.

“Sounds good, come on-”

“Aww” I pouted at her as I looked from my sister to the pie in front of me, “Take it to go”

I groaned and banged my head against the tables surface as she packed up her gear and walked out of the diner.

“Can I take this to go?”

“Of course dearie” the old waitress put it in a take-a-way container before I gulped down the milkshake and gave her a twenty.

“Thanks love”


“It’s a tip for being such a brilliant waitress” I grinned at her before I hurried out of the diner and to my car where Tori was leaning on the front, “GET OFF OF MY BABY!” I screamed and shoved her off of my baby before I made sure she didn’t leave a mark on it.

“Can we-”

“Shush fiend, don’t worry baby, auntie Tori didn’t mean it” I cooed and patted the hood of my car before I slid into the front seat before I let my baby purr to life.

“C’mon Tori! We’re going hunting!” she slid into the passenger seat and buckled herself in before I took off - cackling like a maniac as ACDC blared through the speakers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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