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"So you're still coming over after school right?" My friend Anna asks as we walk to our 3rd period class. I nod my head in response to her, "Where else would I go?" I say sarcastically. She rolls her eyes and I laugh, continuing to walk with her. "Spending the night again?" She asks me, I nod my head to her again. "You might as well live with me, Jade. Your parents have been gone for weeks." She says to me. "I would but I don't mind being home alone, Anna. It's no big deal." She doesn't say anything for a few moments before we finally reach class and she stops me in front of the door. "You're my best friend and I worry about you being alone, it's just not safe now." She walks into class and takes her seat, I walk in after her and take the seat next to her. "What do you mean, not safe now?" I ask her, raising my eyebrow. She takes out a pen from her purse and taps it against the desk, I roll my eyes and look at her waiting for her to answer me. I nudge her arm and she glares at me. "Tell me." I say, getting aggravated. She sighs and looks at me, "Just leave it at that. It's really not safe for you, as a teenage girl to be home alone for weeks. Especially with all the crime happening."

"What kind of crime? I haven't heard of any. What the hell?!" I say too loud, that everyone in class turns to look at me. I look at everyone, trying to hard my embarassment. "Can I help you all with something?" Anna laughs but she doesn't answer me. This time I decide not to bug her and figure it out my self. It is a small town, so I don't understand why I haven't heard of any thing.

"Alright class, take out your notebooks and copy what you see on the board." Mrs. Conway said as she finished writing down the notes, I let out a sigh and pulled out my notebook and pencil from my bag. The sound of the door opening caught my attention, I looked over and there stood a tall, very good looking boy, covered in tattoos. Not literally covered but he had a lot of tattoos on his arms. I couldn't help but stare, he looked like he didn't want to be here. I didn't blame him, this class was boring me to death. Mrs. Conway looked nervous as he approached her, I looked around the classroom and noticed everyone else looked nervous too. What the hell...

"Take any seat you'd like, Mr. Brooks." She said as he walked to the empty seat in front of me. The vibe of the class was now awkward and silent. Minutes and minutes passed, everyone seemed to be afraid of him, the girl sitting in the seat next to him moved her desk away from him. I looked over to Anna and she was gone. Her eyes were focused on him. "Psh. What the hell is going on with everyone?" I whispered to her. She pointed to the boy in front of me, I turned my attention over to him, everyone in class was staring at him. We came face to face and I slightly jumped, startled to see his face so close to mine. "Do you have a pencil I could borrow?" He asked. God his voice was beautiful and he was simply asking a question. I handed him my pencil and he slightly smiled at me, "Thank you." He mumbled and turned back around. Anna glared at me and leaned in close. "Do you not know who he is?" She whispered to me. I shook my head and raised my eyebrow. "Am I supposed to?" I asked her. She nodded her head and started to write something in her notebook. She handed it over to me.

That's Colton Brooks, he's the most dangerous guy in town. I don't know why they let him out of jail.

Anna, stop. I'm sure he's not that bad as everyone says.

I looked at the clock and realized we had 1 minute left of class, so before she could respond the bell rang, signaling class is over. Thank god. I put my stuff back into my bag and get up, Anna is already walking, more like running out of the classroom. I roll my eyes and start to walk to the door. "Hey, here's your pencil." I hear him say, I turn back around and see him holding up the pencil I gave him. I give him a small smile, "Keep it."

the monster x z.m {s.g.} (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now