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Grace's Pov

I was walking to math, the only class I actually enjoy. "Hey," The most popular boy in the school said to me, I turned to look at him,

"Hi," I questioned

"Where you going," he asked.

"Math," i said, i was so confused why the most popular boy in school; Caleb, who I haven't talked to in years, is now so interested in what i'm doing.

I started walking faster thinking he wouldn't follow me but i was wrong, "Grace," He said walking back up to me.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned "Because you've been in my class since we were in pre K," He said, "Right," I said.

•That Night•

I was now sitting at my desk at home when i heard a random sound from the window in my bedroom, i second later i saw a figure climbing through my window.

"Caleb," I questioned when i saw the persons face

"Hey," He said as he walked over and sat on my bed

"What the hell," I said at this point i was so confused why he was here.

"Are your parents home," He asked getting up and walking towards my door.

"No but Hope is," I said as he left the room.

He walked downstairs then couple of minutes later came back up with a soda in his hand.

"So when are your parents coming home," He asked

"What time is it," I asked

"10:07," He replied

"So they will be home, um 3 months," I said

"What," He said looking really confused "Where are they," He asked

"I don't know, they went traveling and left me and Hope here," I said

"Thats so nice of them," He said

"Why are you here," I asked

"I was bored," He said

"Go hang out with your crew or whatever you call them," I said

"You mean, Brennan, Luke and Declan," He asked

"Yeah," I said

"There prob with there girlfriends," He said

"They have girlfriends," I questioned

"Yeah, there dating my little sisters and her best friends, Brennan is dating Liv,Katie is dating Luke and Annie is dating Declan," He said

"What and your girlfriends is busy," I said

"I don't have a girlfriend," He said

"Let me guess, your friends put you up to this, you want ever single girl in the grade to like you so you want me to fell for you then you can say ever single girl likes you," I said

"Thats exactly it," He said

"Get out," I said

"I'm kidding," He said, "I would never do that," He said

"Ok," i said

"Do you want to watch a movie," He asked

"I have to finish my homework," I said, "But you can," I said tossing him the remote.

I went back to doing my homework, he actually doesn't seem like such a bad guy, i always thought he was one of the popular guys who thinks he's better then everyone else, i thought to my self.

"Can i ask you something," I said as i turned to look a him

"Yeah," He said 

"Why are you here and i know the reason is because your bored," I asked

"I want to be friends, your really nice," He said

"Ok," I said as i went back to my homework

•The Next Morning•

"GRACE GET UP," I heard Hope yell from the hallway

"Shit," I said as i sat up and check the time, it was 6:30am and Caleb was still here

"Caleb get up," I said

Caleb and I were watching a movie last night and we must have fallen asleep.

"You need to go before Hope sees you," I said to him

"Ok, i'm going," he said as he walked back over to the window

"See you at school," He said

"Yep," I said and with that he left. 

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