One direction Fanfic

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This is my first every fanfic so I hope you guys like it. Please tell me what you think and if I need any other improvements! Thanks

It’s your 16th birthday and all you’ve ever dreamed about is meeting one direction. You have dreamed this since the first time you seen them preform on the x factor. Their voices were like angels from heaven and all you could think about was how their voices changed your life. You were sat on your window seat looking out into the view watching the rain drops trickle down your window thinking about that one thing.  As your dreaming you get a text from a friend saying they will be over in minute and wishing you happy birthday you read it and stopped dreaming.

The knock on the door was a lot quicker than you expected she must have been closer than you thought. Your mum answered the door and you could hear her talking to people downstairs. It didn’t sound like your friend so you went down to see who it was. You could hear a lad’s deep voice talking and it sounded just like Harry’s. You knew it couldn’t be Harry because you’re not the type of girl who is able to get famous or any chance of meeting someone famous.  You carried on walking down the stairs to see the one direction boys standing just inside the door. Your mum had invited them in as it was cold and wet outside. Harry’s Jaw dropped as he saw you while the rest shouted ‘HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY Maddie’ Thoughts were going through your head how did they know it was my birthday? How did they know me? Who sent them here? You hear your phone go off which is still in your bedroom. Do you go and get it or do you stay with the boys? You decide to stay with the boys. You carry on walking down the stairs to go and meet the boys, giving them all hugs and them hugging and kissing you gently on the cheek. Harry gave you a longer kiss than the rest of the lads and you didn’t even try and pull away.  (Harry is your dream boy from one direction). A minute passed and Sally (your mum) asked the lads to come in to the living room, you and Harry pulled away from each other and followed the lads in. Harry slapped your bum as you walked past him and you giving him a cheeky little smile. All the lads sat down on your sofa and you and your mum sit on the two single chairs.  You start asking them questions.

“How did you know it was my birthday?

‘We had a phone call” Liam started to tell “and I think it was your friend Morgan (the friend texting you before). She told us you were one of our biggest fan and have wanted to meet us since the day you first saw us on the x factor.”

“She told us it was your 16th birthday and that the best present ever would be for us to meet you” Niall said in his Irish accent.

“We thought it would be a good idea to come and see you and wish you a happy birthday as we know you’re our biggest fan” Zayn added.

Harry asked your mum if he could have a quick word in the kitchen so he and your mum went out the room while the boys carried on talking to you. The whole time Harry was gone you kept think what is he going to ask her. Why can’t he ask her while you’re around?

Harry’s P.O.V

“I’ve got something I need to ask you” harry said with a stern voice.

“Go on “sally said with a questionable look on her face

“I’ve booked tickets for me the lads and Maddie to go to New Zealand and also we’ve got her two tickets to come and see one of our tours. I need your approval before I can take her to New Zealand and I was wondering if that was okay.”  Harry asked with his cheeky little grin

“I don’t see why not but you have to make sure you look after her and keep her safe while you’re over there.”

“Of course we will why wouldn’t we.”

I walked back into the room where Maddie was still asking the lads questions.

Maddie’s P.O.V

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2012 ⏰

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