Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful summer day, and I was taking advantage of the afternoon sun near the statue of the Goddess. Occasionally, I could spot loftwings and their riders gliding above Skyloft, as they went on with their daily work. I was contemplating whether or not I should get up, when a familiar shadow was cast over me.

"Link!" A cheery, girlish voice exclaimed. I looked up to find my childhood friend, Zelda, looking down at me.

"Zel, what's up?" I asked, pulling myself off of the ground. Her hair swayed with the slight breeze that blew throughout the area, and rustled the leaves on the nearby trees.

Zelda puffed out her cheeks in exasperation. "Link! Did you forget what today is?" I scratched my head in confusion. Was there something important about today? Suddenly, the answer dawned on me. I shrank back as if it would help me avoid Zelda's fury.

"Ehh, uhh.... Zel?" I stammered in fear of the annoyed girl in front of me.

"Link did you really forget my birthday?" Zelda asked forcefully. I hung my head in shame. Zelda sighed, and crossed her arms.

I looked up to find her holding in her laughter. "Hey! I thought you were actually mad at me! I really am sorry for forgetting though." I said as Zelda quieted down.

"Well you can feel bad later, my 16th birthday ceremony is starting soon!" Zelda said, excitedly. I smiled at her childish behavior. Every Hylian in Skyloft receives their half of a fate necklace when they turn 16. Mine had been just a month ago, and my necklace had still yet to react to anyone else's necklace.

"Okay okay, lets get going then. Shall we?" I asked, holding out my hand for Zelda. She happily complied and we walked to the plaza, hand in hand.

Before we could set foot in the plaza, Zelda pulled me behind a tree. "Link..... I'm scared." Zelda admitted, sniffling a little. We all have had to face this before, wondering who we'll be forced to be with upon receiving the dreaded necklaces. Zelda has chosen to mask her fear with excitement, but her smiling facade was torn down quickly.

"Hey, its going to be okay. There's always the surface, right?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. Zelda looked to be in serious thought at that moment, before smiling.

Zelda wiped her eyes and nodded her head. "Thanks Link..... I think I'm ready." I patted her shoulder, before we continued toward the plaza. The big area is mainly used for town meetings and special events, such as a Hylians 16th birthday ceremony.

"Zel, I know you'll be fine. I'm going to find a place in the crowd okay?" I said, giving her an encouraging smile. I headed towards the crowd, watching Zelda until she was no longer in my plain of sight. The townsfolk chatted away, while Headmaster Gaebora of the knight academy finished the final preparations.

Gaebora turned towards the crowd, and the town went silent. "People of Skyloft! Today we honor the 16th birthday of a young Hylian, and bestow upon her the ultimate gift from the goddess Hylia!" Zelda walked onto the stage and bowed in front of the Headmaster, who just so happens to be her father.

"Thank-you father." Zelda said, as the hated necklace was placed around her neck. At that moment I felt a small burning sensation on my chest. It stopped moments after Zelda tucked her necklace into her shirt, and I shrugged it off. The whole crowd cheered, and the ceremony was over as fast as it started.

I could see Zelda among the throngs of people and I started heading toward her. "Zel-"I started,  before I got closer and saw Zelda flinch in confusion. I could feel the slightly hot sensation on my chest again, the intensity growing as I finally reached Zelda.

"L-Link..... My necklace just started heating up all of a sudden." Zelda explained, gesturing toward the faintly glowing accessory. My eyes widened in surprise. I pulled my necklace from the inside of my knight's tunic, and approached Zelda slowly.

I feared the worst when the heat continued to rise as I stood right in front of her. "Zel, I-I'm not sure but....." Zelda stared in shock, as I connected both our necklaces. A perfect fit. People stopped and stared as our necklaces resonated with a blue light.

"Link, no, this-this isn't happening!" Zelda cried, tying to separate the two halves. I couldn't speak. I knew I'd end up finding the other half some day, but not today, and not with Zelda.

"Zelda! What are you doing my dear?" Zelda's father questioned, before gaping at the scene.

"Father, father! Please..... D-Don't make me, please!" Zelda continued to sob, as she buried her head into my chest. Zelda had a right to be upset, finding out you had to be with your best friend, not to mention when she was only 16, must've hit her pretty hard.

I looked to the Headmaster pleadingly. "Headmaster Gaebora, if its alright could we please deal with this just a bit later? I think Zelda should rest before she has to discuss any of.....This." The Headmaster looked against it for a moment, before nodding and turning away.

"Please take care of my daughter, Link. She is all I have, I couldn't bear to see her get hurt." Gaebora said, before walking away from the plaza. The joined necklaces would make it hard to walk, and Zelda didn't look like she would let go anytime soon, so I hoisted her up into my arms and carried her to the academy.

"Hey Zel, its gonna be okay, I promise." I whispered, before opening the door to her room and walking over to her bed. I laid her down and pulled her covers over her, before turning to leave. Unfortunately I was pulled back because of the restrictive device around my neck.

I felt a tug on my sleeve and turned to find Zelda looking up at me. "Link, please don't go. I don't want to be alone." I frowned, Zelda was exhausted from today's events and my presence might make things worse. She looked at me with pleading eyes and I couldn't say no. There was also the fact of the necklace, so I succumbed to her request.

"Okay Zel, I'll stay. Just go to sleep alright? We'll settle everything in the morning, I promise." I laid down next to Zelda and held her hand, before we both fell asleep. Tomorrow would certainly be..... Eventful.


Well I hope you guys liked that chapter! Sorry if its short, but I thought that would be a good place to stop for now. Please fan, vote, and comment! I really appreciate your support! :)

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