Zayn Crazy Ass Mind

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This book is about Zayn {me dumbass} and how Zayn acts. Zayn is a really weird and retarded person. Like now, he is speaking in third person to be awkward. He loves the word twerk and is in love with butterfingers. So if you give him one he will kiss you and love you forever. :)

Zayn is amazing. He the most amazing person I've ever met. He can make you smile when you're sad and laugh when you want to cry. He's awesome!

Zayn can sing too. and dance. But he only sings for certain people so if he sings for you... you're special....

Zayn is gonna go know cuz Zayn is bored.


Zayn Crazy Ass MindNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ