The Guardians

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It was a normal day at Kreager School for Young Athletes. My best friend, Kali Holland, and I had gone through the first part of our day together, just talking about boys, sex, hair dye, and other things mature-too-early 13 year old girls talk about. We payed no attention until my English teacher decided to make my distractedness known to the class.

"Miss Lydia Jones, please stand and recite 14 lines from the play." Mr. Cole said tiredly. I rolled my eyes and stood, ignoring the admiring look from my stalker, Derek Jackson.

"'What lady is that, which doth enrich The hand of yonder knight?' 'I know not sir' 'oh she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night. Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear, beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. So shows a snowy dove. Trooping with crows, and yonder lady oe'r her fellow shows. The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand. And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand. Did my heart love til now? For'swear it sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty 'til this night'." I recited perfectly, giving a sarcastic bow as Derek began clapping hysterically. I sighed as the bell rang and Kali and I followed the wave of students eager for lunch. The halls seem a little restless, but it was the last Friday of the school year. People were eager for it to be over and done with. As Kali and I walked to our booth to wait for our two remaining groupies, a hand roughly grabbed my ass. I quickly retaliated with a roundhouse kick to what turned out to be my ex Aeric Kerdlas's face. I smirked and flipped my purple braid to fall over one shoulder as i walked. Another, larger, more familiar hand fit itself to my waist as I walked, and I looked up to see the familiar, soothing light green eyes of my 6'2" boyfriend and other half, Tre Johnson. Kali, along with my 15 year old gay best friend. Parker Jameson, brought back a heaping tray of food, off of which I stole an apple. As I ate happily, Tre watched in concern, finishing his own meal of chicken wings, a cheeseburger, and a baked potato before I could even finish 3/4 of my apple. As Kali and Parker went to go smuggle more food, Tre turned to me, worry in his eyes.

"Lydia, are you eating normally?" He asked me quietly, his deep voice rumbling through my chest. I sighed wearily and leaned into him.

"As normally as my trainer lets. Which is no more than an apple and some toast per day. So not by your standards." I said, looking at my handsome boyfriend. At just 15, he was a looker, his long, dark brown dreads framing his face and his thin frame towering a foot over mine. He sighed as I stood gracefully, my braid moving to glide down my back as I carried his tray and my apple core to the trash can. On the way back, I passed another ex, Scott Spesting, and his table of football players.

"Hey baby, why don't you ditch that tall skinny bastard for someone with meat? I can make sure we continue where we left off." Scott yelled at me as I walked by. I simply rolled my eyes and flipped him off as I walked. His table laughed as he turned red with anger and embarrassment. I collapsed tiredly onto Tre.

"Let's go take a nap, hime*." He said quietly, lifting me onto his back.

"Mmkay. I love you tsurii**." I mumbled, falling asleep on his back.


When I woke, he was shirtless and cuddling me, with his lesbian room mate shoving Kali and Parker in, who were holding all the Naruto plushies they could.

"Naruto marathon?" Kali asked, beaming. I grinned and nodded, quickly standing up and checking to make sure my ripped up black shorts were in place, then adjusted my black JokerxHarley tank top and shaking my black high top converse clad feet to wake them up. I sat in between Tre's legs as Kali started up shippuden.


3:30 am. That's what my digital clock blared at me in the form of red light. We had been up for almost 12 hours watching Shippuden. We were almost through with an episode when the TV froze on a picture of Naruto's training field. A collective groan of anger sounded in the previously quiet room. I watched as Kali crept closer to the TV.

"Hey, Lyd, Tre, Parker, do you see this?" She asked quietly, reminding me of Hinata a bit. We all crowded around the TV, and saw what Kali was on about. There was a patch of what looked to be disturbance in the picture. As we touched the large square, the last thing i registered was a horrible screeching sound, the crackle of lightning, and the clock reading 3:33 am.




Hello.... I'm Emiko, please call me Emi-chan or just Emiko, and this is my first "sucked in" fanfiction... Please give me contructive criticism, and minor flames...!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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