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Joe's POV

I shouldn't have ran away.
I was currently in the bathroom after the whole dare incident, trying to get away from Caspar and collect my thoughts.
I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes.
Why did I run away?
I didn't run away because I was homophobic or anything like that, I mean I completely support the LGBT community.
So why did I do that?
I really needed to get my shit together.
My hands were shaking, various thoughts all jumbled up in my head.
Amongst all this I heard that the banging of the door had quietened and Caspar's soft voice was coming through instead. He was trying to coax me into coming out.
I took one last deep breath and decided it was time to go out now. I was ready to face him but not at all ready to answer his questions. I didn't even know the answers to mine.
I slowly unlocked the door and saw Caspar, he was looking right at me. After that everything happened so suddenly. One second we were looking at each while in the next I was in his arms, rapped tightly against his chest. He had enveloped me in a bone-crushing hug. I hugged him back, hesitating at first but then giving in to the feeling of being surrounded by Caspar. I breathed in his smell and it calmed my nerves. It felt so comforting and warm.
It felt like home.
Where did that come from?
Did I- No. I can't think of him like that. It's wrong. I forced the wayward thoughts out of my head and stepped back from his embrace, making my way to the sofa.
Things had turned back to normal thanks to me making a fool of myself. We had currently finished our pizza and were just lounging on the sofa when suddenly Caspar rapped his hand around me and leaned his forehead on my shoulder. I felt warmth spreading through out my body like wildfire. I willed myself to calm down and eventually relaxed against him.
What is happening to me?
Being in this position was common nature for us so why was I going through all these feelings now.
Caspar and I had been friends for around 3 years now and throughout all these years I don't recall feeling this way towards him.
Now it's like I'm extremely aware of every single touch of his, every single breath that he takes when he is so close to me that I can feel him breathing against my neck. All of this is sending tingles all over my body.
I'm brought back to reality by the sound of my phone ringing on the table. I tried to slowly reach for it without waking Caspar as he was currently asleep right now, snoring softly.
He looked adorable.
Oh god I did not just think that. Ugh.
I slowly grabbed my phone noticing it was from Zoë. Well what did my sister want from me now?
I accepted the call and brought my phone to my ear.
"Hi Zoë!", I said, surprised to hear my own voice coming out all breathless even though I barely moved in the past hour.
"Hello Joe! I just wanted to ask if you are free to meet me tomorrow afternoon. I'm thinking about having a lunch with you, Caspar, Alfie and I. What do you think?"
"Sure. I'm free tomorrow. Caspar is asleep right now but I'll ask him when he wakes up. Do you want us to bring you something on the way?"
"No its okay. By the way, why didn't you upload a video today?"
My heartbeat quickened, thinking about the reason why I didn't upload a video today.
I slowly walked away from Caspar, trying not to disturb his slumber and went into the kitchen, deciding to make dinner as it was getting late anyway.
"I just didn't feel up to it. Couldn't come up with a nice idea for the video."
"Oh. But didn't you post something about DareJaspar? I remember it trending on Twitter."
I swallowed on my spit. Shit.
My sister had caught me. What do I tell her? I was trying to come up with a response while heating the leftover food from before for dinner.
"Oh umm.. Yeah about that- Oh look Caspar is up! I will talk to you later okay? Bye." I hung up as quickly as possible. Zoë will surely bug me about this later. I should've come up with a lie instead. Oh god. And there is the stupid lunch tomorrow as well. She will definitely ask me about it.
Lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that the dinner was cooked or rather the leftovers heated, so I called Caspar for dinner. He was taking an awful lot of time in the washroom.
He came back with his perfect bed head hair that made him look all the more se- shut up Joe. Don't make a fool of yourself.
I placed two plates on the dining table and served dinner for both of us. Caspar thanked me in his post sleep raspy voice and it made me blush. I stared down at my food while trying not to let my face be visible to him.
I really needed to get my feelings in check.
I've been thinking that an awfully lot of times lately.
All because of a stupid dare.
I didn't realize that Caspar was staring at me with a questioning look on his face for not having started eating yet.
I immediately dug into my food which actually tasted quite good even though it was leftover. I tried to break the awkward atmosphere by telling Caspar about the (dreaded) lunch that Zoë had invited us to. He smiled warmly at that looking so happy that it made my heart skip a beat. Okay he needs to stop doing that.
"That's great Joe. I'm free tomorrow so lunch at Zoë's is perfect!"
"O-Okay, I'll tell her that.", I fucking stuttered the reply.
After that we got into a comfortable conversation about how we have to do a photoshoot in a couple of days and other work related stuff.
It was finally time for bed. We said our goodnights and went into our respective bedrooms. It was going to be a long and restless night tonight.

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Please leave a vote if you did. It tells me that you guys actually want me to continue the story.
See ya later guys xoxoxo

Just A Kiss (A Jaspar Fic) [Discontinued until Editing Is Complete]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя