Chapter 1: The Drive

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Emma Pov:

Hyde has taken over the town. We have searched for weeks to try and figure out how to stop him. Henry says that the weapon to defeat him is hidden in a book. So now Me, Killian, Henry, Regina and my parents are leaving town to find the book with the secrets to defeating Hyde. Using Reginas locator spell, we have tracked the book to an old library in Princeton New Jersey. How it got there I have no idea. That morning we all got up and got in my bug, I drove while Regina sat next to me. Henry and Killian were in the back behind us talking about movies. Henry wanted to catch him up on all the stories from our land while we had the time. My parents followed us in my dads truck. On the drive all I could think about was the last time I was in New Jersey, It was after my divorce. No one in StoryBrooke knows that I was ever a doctor. Killian does know that I was married previously, we've both been pretty open with each other ever since we started living together. I told him that I went to college and married a man, who was dying of cancer. Killian didn't know what that meant so I just told him it was a serious disease. I only married him because I didn't want him to be alone while he died. He deserved to have a wedding and the life he wanted. I don't think I truly loved him but he was a great man that I was lucky to meet. I almost believed that love was possible again after Neal. Then I met Chase who further proved my theory that love was just not possible for me, commitment doesn't work. I've learned now that my problem wasn't the people I was dating, it was me. Sometimes I do feel bad about leaving Chase. I know that he shouldn't of purposefully let that man die but now I feel like a hypocrite. I mean I'm dating Captain Hook who has killed many people and then there is Cruella .......But I guess it all worked out because now I'm in love with Killian Jones and I couldn't be happier. However, I never told Killian that I had a different name when I met my previous husbands. After prison I wanted a fresh start; school had always been easy for me at least academically since I have a semi-photographic memory. I changed my name to Allison Cameron since my middle name was Allison. At least that's what I was told my whole life, but I've never actually asked my parents if they gave me a middle name. I went to medical school because I was hoping that if I could save other people maybe one day I could save myself. I went through school rather quickly and got my degree in immunology. I don't know why I chose immunology it just seemed interesting to me. I decided to study diagnostics because puzzles have always been my life. I've always been searching, which is why I became a bails bonds person later on as well. During my time as Allison Cameron, I tried to let my walls down which was extremely hard after what Neal put me through. I wasn't as strong back then; I had some emotional armor but being a bails bonds person really toughened me up. Truthfully I don't think about my time as a doctor often. Now that I have my son, family, and love in my life I really don't think about work. Well if you don't count trying to save the town from the various evil villains always trying to kill my family and I. Overall, I am glad that I studied under Dr. House; he taught me how to think outside the box. He also taught me that you can't trust anyone, "everybody lies." As much as I hate to admit it I do owe some of my strength to him. I learned how to stand up to him and not be intimidated. The stupidest thing I did there was go on a date with him. I guess I was just trying to fill a void left by a broken heart.

I hear giggling in the back seat and I see Henry laughing at Hook. Henry showed Killian a picture of him as a cartoon and he was outraged. I think it's hysterical that Killian and the the cartoon version of him look so drastically different. We have driven for awhile and Regina and I talked about various things. She really is one of my best friends. I mean she is actually one of the only people who can understand what it's like to feel lonely in the world. Also we both are raising a teenage boy and I can never thank her enough for adopting him. If she hadn't, then my life would be completely different. We don't always agree on everything but in the end we always have each others backs. I still think it's funny that only a few years ago I was fighting with her everyday and she almost killed me. It's crazy how much everything has changed in such a short amount of time. On our drive we stop at Chick-fil-a for lunch. It was a very comical experience for Henry and I. None of them had ever heard of it and didn't understand why the logo was a cow. It really is funny how little my family knows about the world outside of Storybrooke.

We continue on driving in the car, after about 6 hours of driving we start to get close. Henry was giving me directions on what streets to turn. We were waiting at a red light in a four way intersection and the light turned green. I started to drive through it when a car came and slammed my bug in the side. Mainly it hit the back of the vehicle. Then my parents car hit my car and another car hit theres. Two cars also crashed into the car that crashed into me. I looked at Regina who was conscious with blood all over her face. Her arm was trapped in between the chair and some glass. I tried to turn around and I saw Henry knocked out with blood everywhere. I couldn't see Killian because he was right behind me. Eventually I heard sirens and everything faded to black as I felt blood drip down the sides of my face.

Authors note:
Sorry for the kind of boring first chapter, but I had to set the scene ☺️ I hope you all like it so far! I'm pretending that the last episode of House didn't happen. So House and Wilson are still alive and working at the hospital. Cuddy is still Dean of Medicine. Foreman and Chase also work there along with Taulb and Thirteen. If anything is confusing please let me know!

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